Phrase before arrestBoominAlex on DeviantArt

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Phrase before arrest



Here's the fake screenshot from the SMG4 Movie: The Mightiest Showdown (The Final Part of the First Arc of The Fat and the Furious Saga)

After a brutal showdown inside of a dense fog, Meggy was about to shoot Boomer. But Boomer said to her: "Your not safe from the streets". Suddenly the FBI showed up to Arrest Meggy. (or so they thought.)

Boomer and Art (c) Yours Truly

Meggy Spletzer (c) Glitch Productions

Image size
1920x1080px 297.69 KB
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OscarDaLightningBolt's avatar

Imagine after Meggy arrested, I would've shot you in the back and taken you to Plastic Beach.