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Now as my exam period is coming to an end, I decided to finish and upload more drawings, because I found my sketch book which is actually totally full with them. :) I won't have anything to do nearly for three weeks, I'll just read and draw I guess.

And how is my new year? Pretty good start, I just have to start quite soon to study for my last exam. Hope it's going to be okay, as I wasn't the best from learning biology. But it's interesting, secret archaeological stuff ;) haha My latvian girls are just going home tomorrow from Budapest, I'm really sad, they're gone. They were more than awesome, hope I' ll meet them again soon, But I'm going to Prague at the end of the month to meet my old fellows and relax for 5 days, I can't wait for that! Travelling, yayy!

Now I'm gone to study, so see you guys next week (or maybe on Sunday? :B who knows? )

PS.: Read a lot! Love you, bye!

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"Hot sand on toes, cold sand in sleeping bags,
I've come to know that memories
Were the best things you ever had
The summer shone beat down on bony backs
So far from home where the ocean stood
Down dust and pine cone tracks

We slept like dogs down by the fire side
Awoke to the fog where all around us
The bloom of summertime

We stood
Steady as the stars in the woods
So happy-hearted
And the warmth rang true inside these bones
As the old pine fell we sang
Just to bless the morning."

/Ben Howard - Old Pine/

In one week, I can do whatever I want. Hope I'll pass all exams. Hope.

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So... there are things on deviantart which I always see somewhere around, and one of those things is Misfits. I decided to watch it, and of course I did. It was a bit sad that the two seasons together are just 12+1 episodes, and the third one will come out this year autumn, but it was still AWESOME!

I don't know if I have to put out SPOILER, but for sure, it's here. :B

Haha, I can say that the story is quite funny, 'cause when first time I started to watch it in December, I said "Oh my God, what the hell is this?! Why is it so stupid? What's with the storyline?! Because of a storm they turn into X-men or what?" But on Thursday night I tried it again, then I fell in love with the character's accents and their personality. Sometimes it's not the story is the main thing, but the feeling you can get while watching it. OK, it sounds a bit stupid, but it's like that, no? I mean there are so many 'black holes' in Misfits like why haven't anybody searched more for the killed people who die in every episodes or how can Simon travel around in the future etc.? But you still keep watching it without stop.

So as I've mentioned: the best thing was the characters reactions to things and how they solve the problems they face. In one episode, when the woman wanted to open the back door of the car where there is (of course) a dead body, Nathan (my ultimate favourite haha,… ) just came out behind of the trash cans and throw a brick or whatever to the window of the car to get the attention of the woman:

Sally: What the hell are you doing?!?
Nathan: It's, just....Pure mindless vandalism!
Sally: What is the matter with you?!?! Are you mentally deficient?!?!
Nathan: If i was mentally deficient, i would have missed. Check that out ............................ Bullseye.

Haha, I love that guy! I saw him first in Cherrybomb with Rupert Grint and the actor has a really similar character to Misfits Nathan's in that film too.

About Alisha and Simon: Alisha's power is WTF? I really felt sorry for Simon that nobody wants to listen him and just turns away when he starts to speak, but he's gonna be quite cute with Alisha. :B Like them.

And it will sound a bit strange, but I love the third probation worker, he's such a dickhead who doesn't give a shit about anything. LOL
I can just recommend it and last but not least the soundtrack is soooo goood! And I don't know if it's a good point, but now I can sware around much more better in English than before. Go ahead and watch it! I did it YouTube. :B

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Get up

2 min read
Thoughts that are in my head right now:

I came back from Finland. It feels like I haven't been there for five months. I met a lot of interesting people and I can say I'm not the same after my Erasmus... Thank you guys, it was pleasure to hang out with you! I cannot stop listening to sad songs...

Today I booked a flight to Dublin, I am so excited about it! I'll be there for four days, then I'm going to a small village on the Western coast to look after a 10-year-old girl as an au-pair for two months. It will be so much fun! :B :B

I have so many plans for the future, do not know which one to choose and how to do it, but as I know myself, I will do it. I don't like sitting on my ass. I made a CV for a job, hope it will work out from September as I get home. It looks like I can start archeology and now I think I figured out what I'm going to write my thesis about from media.

I also want to revise my French, but before that I have to write one more essay... :D All my year was about writing essays, so this last one is not so much.

Tomorrow my hair will be shorter a bit again.

I want to draw so badly. And read. A lot.

Mä en puhuu suomea mutta mä tykkän mun kaveria. :B

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Save tonight

1 min read
Soon Erasmus will be over, everybody's going home and slowly me too. This was the best time in my life, thanks to everyone! It was like a dream :)

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Some works are coming, yayy!! by bonnie001, journal

I miss your blue eyes by bonnie001, journal

Pure mindless vandalism! by bonnie001, journal

Get up by bonnie001, journal

Save tonight by bonnie001, journal