Donny The RatBondage-Addicted on DeviantArt

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Donny The Rat



So no one voted for Danny eh, you dun mess up bub! ;)

Head of the rat mafia family is Donny the Rat, running the Ratti diner restaurant and handling evil-schemes and other menacing activities. 


The current head of the rat family, Donny himself has been running the clan ever since he had the opportunity.  It all began ever since he was a younger rat, obsessed with committing crimes, as his father being the former head of the group had also been a good influence and helped with the overall influence. Donny had the biggest joy stealing candy from babies, and poking tires of cars, it was never enough.

When he was older he was trusted with the secret spaghetti sauce that his family had made and kept safe and sound in their safe. As the family had strong priorities: Taking on the competition, running crime and keeping the sauce in their own hands. All was well for years until the sauce was stolen and left Donny aggrivated.
Donny began recruiting more rats and started to expand and make it his every business to return the sauce and show no mercy or decency.

Donny himself is a common hoodlum and a straight up thinker in every other way. Always sitting around, and thinking a step or two ahead of his enemies. Doesn't like to be talked back or told what to do. In most ways he respects his own rats more than common people: Treating most of them like his family. His devotion to the family is therefor quite strong, and not easily broken. 


Tall, clad and overall meaning business. Dressed chic and fancy in his usual uniform to look his sharpest at all times. Wearing a set of golden rings around his fingers and often carrying a tommy-gun around all times, regardless of the occasion. His dark hair is combed to the back and a small scar is noticable through his eye.

Donny is a very overall straight up guy, very confident but sometimes very paranoid as well, at most times he can do alot of talk, especially with big fancy words. In most combat cases however, he calls his boys and just starts firing bullets around like an idiot and makes his retreat.


Donny is usually surrounded by his usual gang of rats: His prior friends being Big Tony and Fancy Ronnie.
In most cases he's relying on both them as himself and their carried weapons, not known to be much of a brawler though he can deliver a punch.

Taunts & Quotes of Mega Toad

" That guy was like a brother to me, what was it that killed him again.. o right, the diet! Poor guy had a terrible amount of weight. "
" Haha! That woman, the things I'd do to her.. but hey, she's your mother man. "
" No no, my plan would involve me shooting around like an idiot! What's wrong with that plan? "
" Hey, It was a good idea at the time.. now it's a pretty stupid idea, why did no one tell me? "
" Make them sleep with the fishes, toss a pillow in too will ya, I ain't the worst. " 
" That was my mother's, mother's, sister's vase.. you just wrecked it.. Come on, that's a low move.. "
" You wanne know how I got this scar pal, it's a long story.. may wanne sit down and listen.. "

" Hold on, I smell something.. rats! "
" You know what they say.. an eye for an eye right? "
" You come into my home, you take my sauce.. Now you're getting it baby! "
" Come on boys, lets make these bullets fly! "
" You ain't gonna wreck my suit, let's dance beautiful! "

" Wrecking up baby, wrecking up! "
" Just like pinball, aiming for the high score! "
" Reloading! Cover me, ain't ya gonna cover me! "

Tagg lines: 

" My gun!! We're gonna scram boy's!! I got no gun left! "
" You haven't seen the last of us, we'll be back! "
" You and I got a score to settle, I'm aiming high baby! "

Done by my friend :clap: :iconfiftyshadeofgag: who's nailed it! Nicely done man. :)
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