Originally I wished to call this journal "Goodbye to BonBonBerry" but it didn't fit the tone I wanted to go for.
I know I have made statements before saying I'm leaving Deviantart in 2022. It was for a good reason.
Looking back at this account now I see a horror story, a desperate and sad attempt at keeping a strange identity I made here over the years. This account was originally created as a way to escape 'reality' as I'd call it.
HARPG has been my happy place and safe space for many years (and still is), I'd meet wonderful people and cautiously step around groups and other social events.
Though over the years, the account perpetually changed names, I have created a multitude of different breeds, tried hosting events and generally tried to be a valid participant in everything that existed here. Many stupid behaviours also arose, not speaking with people and a complete lack of engagement even though I have somehow garnered 3k+ watchers on this website. Or simply displaying