Hello and welcome!
My name is Tony Hayes AKA Bogwoppet. I was born in 1955 which makes me a fairly old codger but I'm young at heart and love creating art and viewing the work of other like-minded artists.
I've spent much of my life within the photographic trade and have worked in most areas of the profession including; weddings, studio, teaching, judging, industrial, retail and for a short time I worked in the motion picture industry. I also owned my own camera shop for almost twenty years but due to ill health I've had to give up work.
I am married with three grown up children and I'm a granddad too with three beautiful granddaughters; Sadie, Molly and Faith and I love them to bits. I also have a grandson Jason who is a little terror.
Thank you for your interest.
Tony Hayes
Current Residence: UK
deviantWEAR sizing preference: M
Favourite genre of music: Black Metal and Industrial Metal
Favourite photographer: Roy Stuart
Favourite style of art: Concept Horror and Fantasy
Operating System: Win Vista
Favourite cartoon character: Road Runner
Hi DarkRiderDLMC, Bogwoppet (Tony) passed away nearly 2 years ago. He will be deeply missed