Buggy the Star ClownBodskih on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/bodskih/art/Buggy-the-Star-Clown-742370891Bodskih

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Buggy the Star Clown

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2484x1885px 5.74 MB
© 2018 - 2025 Bodskih
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Diego-Cobo-Sanchez's avatar

Arigato gozaimasu for posting this picture of my favourite clownI SURE HOPE NOTHING BAD HAPPENS TO IT ICON, Bodskih!!!

PS: Spoilers until manga chapter 1138!

One thing about the most recent "One Piece" that really ticks me offAngry Eddy Icon is how Luffy keeps disparaging Buggy!! Aye, for now 96% of his actions have been no more than a funny joke, but I cannot insist enough that the Star Clown was once a ROGER PIRATE!!! The first Pirate King made him an apprentice on the Oro Jackson, and it sure as heck wasn't for the laughs!!!! He saw greatness in Buggy, and so will us readers and watchers, it's GUARANTEED!!!!!