Lola Bunny roughBobGuthrie on DeviantArt

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Lola Bunny rough



The problem working at Warner Brothers Consumer Products were the rush jobs wit deadline of "yesterday". Case i point, the rough above.

The final design was suppose to be a full body 7 sides turnaround of Lola leaning on an object (in the initial sketch, a greek column). In between starting the job, the sketch disappeared overnite from my table, her legs chopped off, colored on top of the rough pencils and shipped to the client.

...Well, I still got paid, the image appeared on some t-shirts, and even some weird full full figurine of Lola leaning on a shovel (really?. Go fig.) Still have the turn around which I will post soon on my business website (
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800x937px 215.2 KB
© 2014 - 2025 BobGuthrie
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