Flufferbun WhimsyBlushingEevee on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/blushingeevee/art/Flufferbun-Whimsy-593486053BlushingEevee

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Flufferbun Whimsy



My fluffbun "Wishful", she's temporary until i can afford to get a custom one! ;v; She LOVES the moon, and stars. <3 I might re-do her design later. OTL

Flufferbuns are a open species by fIuffer 

Name: Whimsy
Gender: Female
Personality: Whimsy is a very outgoing and charming Flufferbun. She loves gazing at the twinkling stars glistening in the wide sky. Her one wish is to be a star that everyone wishes upon and then make their wishes come true.. Though she knows that would be impossible - its still her dream to be one of those "starwishes", as she calls them.
Image size
1211x1005px 424.93 KB
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