Where are you now?Blusagi on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/blusagi/art/Where-are-you-now-860728702Blusagi

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Blusagi's avatar

Where are you now?



Dark clouds quickly covered the sky. Sera mover her head up. A single little droplet hit her nose. Suddenly a wall of water covered the ground. Little wyngling ran towards the nearest cave. It was quiet there. She could easily heard her heavy panting. She shook her body to remove the water and sat on one of the stones. Well... now there was nothing left but waiting. The storm was getting louder. Lightening struck a ground just in front of the cave entrance. The wyngling jumped. She didn't like storm. It was too loud, too random and, what's worse - it reminded her about her old friend. Ram. He was going to be with her forever. Taking part in many adventures! They snuck out one night and planned their great Nook escape. The next day Ram disappeared. Alma didn't know what happened to him. She said he was "moved", but Sera knew. He ran away without her. He ran away to the forest. He ran away to be killed by the spites. Her eyes watered. No! No! Stop thinking about it! That's not true! He is still somewhere there... he must be! She started to sob and shake. Suddenly a thunder struck nearby and little green wyngling jumped. Her heart was beating so fast. No. Ram must be remembered. But not like this. He shouldn't cause tears. He wouldn't want this. Ram was a friend. A good wyngling. Sera's best friend... 

Oh, right!
+tiny horn (1 2 3 4 5 )

max wyns

I suck at stories, yeah! </3
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DeMoN8EyE's avatar
Well done with the colours ^^