Fighting Type Alexiablunose2772 on DeviantArt

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Fighting Type Alexia



Using a Template from ShootingStar03 I made a Pokemon Trainer ID Card for a trainer I created in each of the 18 types. I put the types on a wheel and spun to randomly pick the order I'll be posting them . Fighting Type time. Why is Primape wearing a hat? I decided to make it the Primeape Ash gave away after having it 3 episodes. Mostly because I wanted to see it again and give the a-hole that conned Ash out of it some revenge.

Alexia took up residence in Saffron City to be one of the Gym Trainers for the Fighting Dojo. Despite her skills the Dojo refused to offer a spot to a woman. Then it was overtaken by Sabrina and her Psychic trainers and stripped of its official gym status. In despair she moved to Viridian City and took to challenging trainers en route to Victory Road and the Pokemon League as a test to see if they were ready. She wanted to take up leadership of the Viridian Gym after it was abandoned by Govanni upon the fall of Team Rocket but was overshadowed when Blue returned to town. She went back to begin the unofficial final test before Victory Road.

Alexia’s team is a Hitmontop, Hitmonchan, and HitmonLee after acquiring 3 Tyroges and evolving them as needed into the Fighting Trio, A Monferno she won from a trainer in Sinnoh as a Chimchar, a Machoke she caught as a Machop in Rock Tunnel, and a Primeape she took off a former member of the Fighting Dojo that he had conned a kid from Pallet Town into giving him.

The Trainer Card template can be found here .:Trainer Card Template:. by ShootingStar03 on DeviantArt

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967x674px 534.27 KB
© 2024 - 2025 blunose2772
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