The DevotedBlueWolfKunoichi on DeviantArt

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The Devoted



Will my obsession love for the Greil mercs ever fade...?
Probably not.

Inspired by the awesome battle OST "The Devoted" for the Laguz army in Part III Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. Or in other words the kickass battle OST that you get when you start playing the amazing Greil Mercenaries.
Seriously. Sweetest. Battle. OST. in FE!!
It makes me think of the Mercs KICKING A$$ with style.

Love my three grinning idiots. Boyd and Mia are like 'Yay battle!!' and Gatrie is like 'Posing for the Ladies!!'.
Also the three heads (staff officer&tactician, deputy-commander and commander) facing the viewers.
Uh-oh. We stand no chance, guys D:

Special references for Ettard, Elwind and Elight. Taken from in-game screenshots a.k.a. pixel mess, so they are not accurate but I tried.
Reference for the Wo Dao from CG screenshots "Execution", it's way more badass than the iron sword in Mia's artwork.

Characters all taken from Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (c) Nintendon, Intelligent Systems
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2427x3471px 4.62 MB
© 2012 - 2025 BlueWolfKunoichi
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Yutobital7's avatar

This is so marvellous!