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  • Deviant for 20 years
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (4)
I may have only gone to the festival for the one day, the friday, but it was the most awesome thing I've been to in terms of music concerts!! I managed to bring my younger brother :icondarkfox-89: with me as well for the day, like got a ticket for him at the last minute. And we had to get up on the friday morning for 5 am so we could get an early train up to Leeds for 9 am. Then met up with those two mates of mine camping for the weekend, and for the whole day afterwards we went and rocked like crazy at the main stage!! Plus for the time we we're at the main stage, we managed to get to the very front of the crowd and be right up close to e...
anonymous's avatar
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Back n Stuff

0 min read
I have returned!!! (well no one really cares do they, heh) Anyways, got back home on sunday from my 2 week break in Wales with my mates, wasn't a bad holiday, but could have been better. Spent the first week caravaning and camping out in the mountains, got rained on alot, didn't really do much in the day time apart from trekking up a mountain or sitting around bored out our minds. Though the nights were good, coz all we did was drink and get pissed basically, good laugh. Second week went further down the welsh coast and camped out near a huge beach, pretty cool really, and we had good weather all week so we spent nearly everyday on the bea...
anonymous's avatar
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Well, I know I aint around on here much anyways, but I'm definately not gonna be around here for the next 2 weeks coz I'm going on hoilday with some mates of mine. Just spendin the holiday in Wales really, gonna spend on week in mid wales, and the next somewhere down the west coast camping out. So should be good I guess, probably gonna get pissed every nite and not do anything in the day, heh.Hopefully I'll get round to doing some more drawings with this time, since I hardly draw anything anyways. Plus I'm in the middle of writing lyrics for a couple of songs I'm working on, so I'll spend some time trying to complete them when I can.Gonna ...
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Profile Comments 172

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DrazionWolf07's avatar
Yeah. Now it's 2013 and I still see comments from 2004-2009. C'mon We're here in 2013. Don't linger in the past, cherish them
Haleyloveswolves's avatar
Why aren't u ever online? I see comments and journals from 2005!!! Thats almost 7 years ago!! D: Where'd u go? You're art was amazing!! It's not here anymore though :(
DrazionWolf07's avatar
He said he moved on. I won't believe it...
Aka-wolf's avatar
WIll you enter my contest?
blackwolfgirl29's avatar
r u ever gonna be on
Celestella's avatar
Dude you have a freakin bad ass gallery!! I love your work!! :heart:
CorruptTempest's avatar
Dude you ever come online any more?