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12.12.12 owo
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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Traditional Art
  • May 5
  • Antarctica
  • Deviant for 13 years
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (220)
My Bio

I like drawing! ^^ I joined DA cause i also wanted to see if people like them or not =D (Big Grin) And I'm trying to get so uch better than i already draw cause i'm not so good -_-"

:iconyourocksonicplz: :icondragonshy2: :icondragonhugplz: :iconthankyoutailsplz: :icondragonmusicplz: :icondragontailfast: :iconknuxwinplz:




Mmmm i like drawing,as you can see,like writting strories wen i get ideas,-_-"
hehe,im very friendly,i am shy,rarely mean and rarely get mad,Im easygoing and pplz say im sweet,^^" I can never say no unless its something bad,I do endless favors and lots more.=D (Big Grin) I like making friends and helping out ^^ Im sensetive (emotionally) Punch me and it wont hurt,nor will i fight back cause im not like that :3

I dunno if i can draw comics,im going to try and strart drawing real anime and draw chibi,which i already do^_^.I like favoriting pics and i appreciate and like anyones art ^^


:iconimsorryplz: lol this looks funny :3


My Brothers:

My bro that has powers and shapeshifts:


My big bro that is amazing,overall sweet and has ninja skills:


My Bro that plays videogames while eatin pizza:


My wierd little brother:


My sis:


My random sis that love miso soup at teh moment:

My Ninja Sis:


My sis that loves drawin', playin sports and video games:


My Cuzinkins raised by whales:


*My Bestie

If you want to be apart of my Da family and friends,just ask since everyone has one..^^" Well ya,and tell me what you would want to be..Example: Bro,sis,best friend,dog, ect. =D (Big Grin)Whatever you want i guess -_-"

Random icon thingys ^^ :


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░█░░█░░█░░█░ Put This
░████░░████░ On Your Signature
░█░█░░░█░░░░ If You Love To Role-Play!




I think Silver (and freakin' knuckles the enchilada) is awesome!! ^^ My Favorite characters =D (Big Grin) They are hard to draw though T^T


My other favorite sonic characters are Shadow,Knuckles,and tails ^^


My B-day is on a mexican holiday foolz ^^ just kidding but it really is Cinco de Mayo peeps =D (Big Grin) No special reason why im saying this i was bored ^^
:icondragonnodplz: :iconholaplz:

You have to watch this XD -> This is how you start a conversation =D (Big Grin)

Comic! I am a dummy!

Things to do:

*:not started
**: scetched up
***: Working on the details
****: Need to scan


I feel like im forgetting one..PLEASE REMIND MEH :3

Art Trade:



I guess ill soon draw an "ID" for myself ^^ not now though cause i got no
ideas =D (Big Grin)

I am one proud Mexican-American!!!! :iconholaplz: lol Yes i speak spanish!!!! :3

:iconomgsocuteplz: :iconlawooplz: :iconfeelingfreeplz: :iconyaayplz: :iconnoeswooplz:

Current Residence: Somewhere over teh rainbow owo
deviantWEAR sizing preference: Im guessing medium XD
Favourite genre of music: Pop,rock classical
Favourite photographer: ~soccerlad77~
Favourite style of art: anime
Wallpaper of choice: matches me in a way =D (Big Grin)
Skin of choice: Ummm....
Favourite cartoon character: idk i have some i cant name all =) (Smile)
Personal Quote: When someone doesnt have a smile someday,give them yours :D (Big Grin) ;Ur good at drawing in ur own special way

Favourite Visual Artist
my best friend soon to be a deviant =)
Favourite Movies
i dunno have lots
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Linkin Park,Within TemptationCrush 40,Nickleback,Simple Plan,Cold play,Camila,Muse and much more! :3
Favourite Writers
Everyone!!! And Redsunblade^^ and ~soccerlad77
Favourite Games
Kingdom Hearts all,Sonic games,Star Ocean
Favourite Gaming Platform
Any i can get mah hands on XD
Tools of the Trade
umm tough choice..
Other Interests
Drawing,making people happy^^,music,video games,mechanics
What is this madness Well first off I really want to apologize, I haven't been very active because for one I was injured in a terrible accident but its not as bad anymore, I'm feeling great x3 Now high school is taking up a large portion of my time and having to earn money to send over to my family, my situation is all awkward and tied up right now xD But I still make time for what I love doing and improving myself c: Yes, I'm aware of the five requests I need to upload, ill make sure to upload them this Wednesday, there's so much on my plate right now xD I would like to ask, as a suggestion, should I open up commissions? I know I am not g...
anonymous's avatar
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Okay so you guys may know that I have my time laps of inactivity and im so sorry for that TuT Deviantart has changed so much and some is for the better :3 but still l I have a lot of explaining and such ;~; I haven't really been active due to lack of equipment, time and inspiration :c I know no one might not understand but its been rough since I moved to a new country and im trying to still get used to the different ways people act and the language especially TuT I am going to come here more often because I feel like im with family when I talk with friends x3 Okay and about artsu... IF I OWE ANYONE ART AND ITS RECENT PWEAAAAASE INFORM ME I...
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Its only sketches TuT theres the choice of digital and traditional! //traditional is better but its a photo// im doing this cause I need something to keep me busy XDD but I accept art trades (3 slot limit) lineart! :3 :heart: good luck xD btw hiyaaaaa!! I missed you all! :33 ~bluemoonblade :iconsilvertardplz:
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Profile Comments 5.3K

anonymous's avatar
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PinkYoshiSupreme01's avatar

Hey how have u been?

PinkYoshiSupreme01's avatar

Hey happy late birthday I am sorry I missed it

scifiguy9000's avatar
bluemoonblade's avatar

Thank you for the birthday wishes each year!

Very sweet :)

Sweet-Coffey's avatar
bluemoonblade's avatar

Hello! Dude, i miss you too <3

Just randomly remembered I had an account to log into and this was a lovely surprise!

Hope you are doing well during these crazy times! :)