Disneysona: Dane DaughousBlueIke on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/blueike/art/Disneysona-Dane-Daughous-532904041BlueIke

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Disneysona: Dane Daughous



I Disney-fied myself! 

Betcha you were expecting a duck, huh? 

A clumsy but kind twentysomething from the suburbs of Mouseton, who left his hometown behind to pursue a career in comics. Currently he's studying graphic art at Duckburg University, finding it to have the inspiration he was looking for, though he also took some classes at St. Canard Community College prior to that. He has a nasty habit of constantly getting swept up in whatever calamity befalls Scrooge or Darkwing, but he mostly takes it in stride and thinks of it as field work for his art. When he gets frustrated, he has a habit of barking incessantly for a while and chewing on on his tablet pen. 

In addition to superhero and robot stories, he has a fondness for airplanes and when he can, enjoys visiting the Cape Suzette Air Show every summer. 
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2126x2894px 1011.37 KB
© 2015 - 2025 BlueIke
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spookowl's avatar
you didn't make yourself a duck?? love it either way