DZ: Of Pigs and War PreBattle SketchBlueIke on DeviantArt

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DZ: Of Pigs and War PreBattle Sketch



It was a nice and sunny day and I spent it getting a head start on some spring cleaning. When I was rearranging my stacks of sketchbooks, I happened to find this old sketch of Young Dan and Senko that was part of the Pigs and War comic. 

While I do plan to draw the set up at some point, the idea was a young, frustrated Dan getting in the way of Vikaralamon and starts telling him off. The wanton, careless destruction reminding him of earlier experiences before he became a Zoner and all. Anyway Vikaralmon, not really caring, tries vaporizing the boy with his Fusion Ball and while the attacks appears to have connected... Dan was shielded by a timely rescue from Shakkoumon and his mighty vacuum.

Senko in particular showed the most concern for Dan's safety, despite her distant, tough guy demeanor up until that point...
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SkiesSparrow's avatar
Lol Poor Dan. XD