Screw yo 'Cute charm'blueharuka on DeviantArt

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blueharuka's avatar

Screw yo 'Cute charm'



Fuck you and yo 'Cute charm' shit. ain't nobody got time for that...

This was originally meant to be longer, but I thought it'd be funnier to leave it like this. XD

Aside from the fact that Razzle doesn't discriminate in a fight, I wanted to show off yet another little something for the whole world of TLS.
everyone remembers the horrors of battling Whitney and her Miltank right? remember how she would always manage to use Attract on you at the very start of the battle to keep you infatuated with her and prevent you from fighting back so she could Rollout-spam you?

Unfortunately, that can still happen. but things work differently for some Pokemon...

Pokemon that are already madly in love with another cannot be affected by the moves Attract and Captivate or even the ability, Cute charm.

The reason being is that when Attract/Cute charm is in use, the user releases pheromones from their bodies that make them irresistible to the opposite sex, basically turning the opponent into a lovestruck puppet for the user. but this is only when the foe is not attracted to anyone else. when a Pokemon has already bonded with another, the scent of their mates stick with them permanently. so the pheromones of an Attract/Cute charm user will not only fail to attract the foe, but will also smell incredibly foul to the already hitched opponent.

That Lopunny is gonna need some dental care later on.

2021 EDIT: This piece has been remade! Find it here!:

Screw yo Cute Charm!- REMAKE by blueharuka
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© 2014 - 2025 blueharuka
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getterstudio's avatar

Go away cute charm worshipper :headbang: