BlueSkyyBlueberryPanda14 on DeviantArt

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BlueberryPanda14's avatar




Wow... I've really improved and I feel like I've finally accomplished something I truly like. Coming out as just a sketch, but with great importance. I also feel as if I found my own artistic view from realism to the hint of cartoonism maybe? This shows great improvement from what you guys have seen and this really has shocked myself. Thank you and sorry for taking so long to post something for 2019.
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1600x1200px 677.62 KB
© 2019 - 2025 BlueberryPanda14
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azzljames412's avatar
This look absolutely amazing baby girl. You've been doing a great job as an artist and you skill has improven greatly. I truly do mean that. I love you so much and hope to see many more art pieces from you. Keep up the great work.