[CK] - Luna JewelheartBluCrystalMoon on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/blucrystalmoon/art/CK-Luna-Jewelheart-659777686BluCrystalMoon

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[CK] - Luna Jewelheart



Name: Luna
Full name: Luna Jewelheart
Nickname: Lulu, Lu
Also known as: The Blue Jewel

Age: 23
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight

Status: Alive

Crush: /
Relationship: Taken

Species: Moondragon
Elements: Crystal (Lapis Lazuli), Stone (Moonite)
Skill Level: Master (both)

Personality: A rather quiet Dragoness, she has a deep love for Gemstones, believing in the power of Healing Gemstones like Amethysts and Rose Quatzes. Her love has led her to open a Gemstone Shop with her father. After he deceased, she took over the Shop as one of the youngest Shop Owners in all of the Dragon Kingdoms.

Likes: Gemstones, crystals
Dislikes: When people say that the 'Power of Healing Gemstones' does not exist and make fun of her for believing what she believes in

Alliance: Good

Civil status: 2nd Class Civillian of Crystal City

Occupation: Works and owns a Gemstone Shop

Family: Paladin Lightseeker (mate)

Pet(s): A Phosphinxon (a cat like creature) named Duskstone

Enemys: /

Backstory/History: to be added


Have a ref for the time I am gone. (Will be rarely on until late Sunday evening)
Will finish it sometime.

So yeah, Luna was originally supposed to be for another thing but now I decided to bring her to Crystal Kingdom.
I did this way back in January, so the legs, feet and claws look... meh.
Also, doesn't she remind you of someone? She should. After all, they are canonly far related cousins, whom all are decendants from Spyros and Cynders third daughter, Nightstar Silverwind. (aaaand I just dropped a huge name in the Lore of CK.)

Oh, and if you're wondering what a Phosphinxon is, it's basicly a house cat but mostly only sand or pale orange coloured with a gemstone on their heads. (and not really cat looking. Just somewhat resembling a cat)

Crystal Kingdom belongs to me
Spyro and Cynder belong to Activision
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© 2017 - 2025 BluCrystalMoon
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StardustLightseeker's avatar
She is very lovely :D