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Event: Dark Lake Stable's Spring Foxhunt [link]
Riders: Alessandro McFly & Tyler O'Connor
Horses: TPS Anubis & TPS Shinigami
The Fox: Hrim & CSS Bloodsong

After the (imaginary) 3rd place in the Winter-Foxhunt, Tyler was more than motivated to catch the fox in this spring. And this time he was not alone; he and Alessandro formed a team. That was the perfect chance for the newcomer to show the talents of his horse. His mare Anubis isn't the tallest, but she has a lot of courage, endurance and is a great jumper and runner!

Tyler and Alessandro *are riding through the forest*
Tyler: "Damn! Always if the weather in Ireland is fine, we must stay in a place like this! I mean... look; two minutes in Germany and we're splashy like a doused poodle!"
Alessandro: *giggles* "What's your problem, Ty? That makes the whole thing more exciting!" :lmao:
Tyler: "Yeah... but you aren't sitting on a horse, that wants to escape from every damn thunderbolt!"
Alessandro: "Don't you train with him for such situations?"
Tyler: "In a ligtning storm? Am I insane?? That's pretty dangerous! I don't want a grilled horse..!"
Alessandro: "By the way... your idea to ride in a wood while a thunderstorm isn't much safer. :roll: We should hurry up and search the fox."
Tyler: "No need! I've found the Ladies!"

Alessandro, Tyler, Anubis, Shinigami © by ~BloodyLys
Hrim, Bloodsong © by ~CSStables
For Shinigami's pose I used a Reference!
Image size
3460x2339px 3.73 MB
© 2010 - 2025 BloodyLys
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happy-horse-for-life's avatar
Horse to the right is gorgous! ;)