I have been in and out the last two weeks because we decided we have out-grown the house we are living in and we need a new one. Looking for a house is harder than I remember it being. I have lived in this one for 15 years so I guess it's been easy to forget. Searching through hundreds of listings has taken up more time than I am happy about but it is what it is. You have to kiss a lot of frogs until you find your Prince. I am still dealing with the warts!
Needless to say, until the house is chosen and we have settled into it, my presence here will be spotty. Still, I am trying to get new works finished, like the one I submitted today.
I have to admit the flood of unwanted (read 'stupid & useless') comments I have been getting has not helped me want to get back here in a hurry. Some people think they know better and then I look at what they are offering as 'Art' and I just sigh. I see that I might have to make all of my works comment free. That might be the only way I can bear it.
Hint to certain people - just a tiny one - If it says NO CRITIQUE WANTED - then don't critique it. Don't. Just DON'T. If I wanted your thoughts, I'd ask for them. You know who you are.
There. All done. Much love to my friends & watchers.
Bits of bones and dust cover our floors. Volumes of well worn vampire lore are tucked amongst the specimen jars. A crooked clown mask is half hidden behind the door that leads to nowhere. We are magic and we thrive in the dark. We are not the circus but the sideshow and within us lies a collection of the fantastical. Come join the madness.~ We are now accepting members. Expect little tweaks and shakes as I bash my way around the system. Still looking for affiliates and admin. Note me if you are interested. ~
If membership takes off, I will upgrade to super group by the weeks end to make it a more interactive experience for the members.
So crawl out of your coffins and get on over there to join!
Thoughts? Let me know...
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