A gathering of TrickstersBLITZandBLAZE on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/blitzandblaze/art/A-gathering-of-Tricksters-888416053BLITZandBLAZE

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A gathering of Tricksters



I was on the fence about posting this, but 1) I like it more than I hate it, and 2) it’s been a while since I’ve made a piece this complete and I gotta post something.

may or may not update this so if there’s a trickster I should include, please comment.

So a few disclaimers:

The first being that I did not do too much research into this topic. I was wrapping up the school year so I didn’t have a lot time to completely dive into this. As a result, if I screwed something up, I’m sorry. Specifically regarding the lizard man, maybe I’m just dumb or didn’t do enough research, but I couldn’t tell if he was supposed to be a lizard or a person and ended up making him both. He is from Australian Aboriginal mythology and is called Bluetongue Lizard. Wikipedia describes him as an old man, but when I tried to look up visual references all I got were lizards. If you know what he’s supposed to look like, please comment. On a similar note, I know Anansi is a spider but I read somewhere he can take a human form, so I went with that. Spiders freak me out and I didn’t want to draw a really big one. It also felt weird to depict half of the characters as animals with just a few random people. Also, regarding Eris, she is the result of me repeatedly picking this up over the course of several days and forgetting who I was drawing. She started out as Laverna from Roman mythology but I forgot what I was doing and gave her a golden apple so I guess she’s Eris now, woops.

Who’s who:

Loki- red hair and clad in green- Norse mythology 
Hermes- winged helmet and shoes- Greek Mythology
Eris- holding golden apple- Greek mythology
Wisakedjak- red pants and fur wrapped around his shoulders- Cree and Algonquin Mythology 
Huehuecóyotl- coyote man with fancy hat- Aztec Mythology 
Seth- guy with black dog head- Egyptian Mythology 
Anansi the Spider- guy on the lower bunk next to Seth- West African Mythology 
Veles- Dude dressed in white with horns- Slavic mythology 
Bluetongue Lizard- the lizard man eating a chicken leg- Australian Aboriginal Mythology 
Sang Kancil- the little mouse deer- Indonesian mythology/folklore
Kitsune- the nine-tailed fox- Japanese Mythology 

Sources I used for the mythology:

and here’s where I got the references for the background: www.learnrussianineu.com/russi…

About the piece: 

I imagined all the gods/goddesses/spirits/etc… gathering at the house of Veles, since being an underworld god he’d be the only one who actually owns his own place and could thus invite everyone over. Wasn’t expecting to use so much red, white, brown, and green but I think it worked out nicely. Probably should’ve put more effort into the line art and shading, but by that point I was losing interest and just left it as is. That’ll be something to fix if I ever remake this. 

Image size
1635x1220px 880.32 KB
Date Taken
Jul 10, 2021, 4:32:46 PM
© 2021 - 2025 BLITZandBLAZE
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Ppmandude's avatar

I may be a bit biased since he's from my culture, but Wisakedjak is definitely one of my favorite tricksters in folklore. You depicted him really well!