Hello y'all beautiful-faced humans(?) The name is Kasa, but you guys can call me whatever you like.
About me, myself, and I:
I love drawing, and giving my drawings/stories a hidden meaning or something like that, I adore corgis. And well, umm, I sometimes get an urge to draw a comic, currently, I am trying to start a collab comic with my friend (@CuriosityDotKill)
I love anime. Black Butler, Naruto, Hetalia, Free!, Prince of Stride, and like 50 more.
When you Favorite my artwork or become a watcher of mine, I courteously return the favour with a llama.
I love drawing requests for people, you DO NOT have to be a watcher or whatever. I will draw anything from anywhere (If I agree to) like, I dont really know a lot about.... Say The Suicide Squad, but if that's what you want, I will do my best to draw something that you will enjoy!
When I start a comic, I love to draw my friends in the background, just something to look back on and laugh about, and if I want to and you request it, I will definitely draw you or a friend and give you a shoutout!