nah - I'm really happy about your critique and that I recieved a critique at all just wanted to say that I did not make any manipulations on mah pc ^^"""""
It is real if it would be not i would have put it into the manipulation gallery by the way - I am not used to photomanipulation wich you might see browsing the photomanips in mah gallery ^^"
1) I used this [link] to place the drop in the middle I have to admit that i tried it many times before it was perfect ^^"""
2) a drop placed on the right ground is perfectly round the reason is simple: a sphere surrounds a volume with the minimal required surface. the more an object "looks like a sphere" the more volume it can content while having the same size of surface. thus the drop will globe itself by the waters surface tension i think
3) just like a magnifier this drop of water bends the sunrays to a single point. all the light that incides on the one side of the drop is concentrated at a single point on its other side. so evrything outside this point has to be shadow you can see it also on other pics with waterdrops and sunlight - I'm sure ^^
4) I think it's because this kind of flower grows from the inside to the outside. the waterdrop magnifies these little yellow thingies in the middle
5) well - the flower wasn't that big - and by using the tool you can see behind the link above I could take influence on the size of the drop ^^
hummmmm... well this might have sounded not really thankfull for I don't like when people say I faked something ^^"""
but you shall know that I am really thankfull that you took your time to think about what you see and question it - that is the kind of a good artist. and I'm also thankfull for your kind words and the great rating Thanksalot!!! ^^
I just found this after looking for information on Pashupatastra. I like how you turned the idea of the weapon too powerful to be wielded by lesser characters into an actual, recent example