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SKW Review 5000 Mistakes



5000 Mistakes

 We open up with beautiful and powerful Merica Strong in the ring, saying that she offered 5000 dollars to anyone that could survive 10 minutes with her. Fan Favourite Sumiko responded to this challenge.Even as Sumiko is much more smaller than Merica, she’s also much more mobile than her. Very quickly, she put’s her into sleeperhold! Sumiko keeps on beating her, also headscissoring and manages to knock her out!!! But instead of quickly taking a win, Sumiko has to show off and when she’s going for the pin, Merica shakes it off and escapes! Sumiko tries to go after, but she’s quickly incapacitated and from a unstoppable force, she quickly becomes a victim of Merica Skill! Very quickly Sumiko becomes a drooling mess! After counting her Merica doesn’t stop, and goes to destro even futher! Sumiko really should learn a lesson!

Video is pretty good! Camera work is clean, and shows action fro best angles. Some of the punches and kicks were sadly less convincing. Barely touched and model gone into deep pain. Also maybe a little too long. 2 minutes less would be perfect.

Otherwise again it is very good video. 8,5/10…

I've been trying to do something with my Wrestling fascination. Roleplaying didn't worked, so i decided to make a review of videos i have. I'm a a fan of sleeperkid and I felt that outside bndasupamark there weren't any other reviews. I'l take on FemwrestlingRooms and Hit the Mat!
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© 2023 - 2025 blah35s
anonymous's avatar
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LuckiestWanderer's avatar

Good work I would like to hear your other reviews may it be from skw, fwr, nefw, slampeg etc.