Quasimodo Sad For StolasBlackWolfStar15 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/blackwolfstar15/art/Quasimodo-Sad-For-Stolas-1136722535BlackWolfStar15

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Quasimodo Sad For Stolas



With some of the highlights out of the way, I thought of showing how I felt about this particular scene of the episode, which almost drove me to tears. :(

While the ending of "Sinsmas" had its happy moments, including one particular scene I'm obsessing over, it was also sad since while Octavia managed to stop Andrealphus from fighting Stolas, Blitzo and the crew, telling her uncle that being easily beaten by a bunch of lower-class demons would be bad for his reputation, she felt angered and betrayed and thinks Stolas abandoned her for Blitzo and thinks that she was the reason for his pain after finding his stash of happy pills. Even when Stolas tries to tell her that she was the only good thing in his unhappy political marriage with Stella, she still refuses to listen to her father's side of the story and thinks he'll just lie to her again, and she enters back into the palace in sadness and betrayal thinking that Stolas broke his promise to her that he'd never leave her.

But the nail in the coffin in this scene was Stolas breaking down in tears that he lost his beloved daughter, the only true good thing in his life besides Blitzo, forever and thinks she hates him. And Quasimodo's reaction here was how I felt, and I was even close to tears at this scene. :tears:

Meme is by @ClopinStarchbopper ;

What makes Quasimodo cry

Helluva Boss belongs to Vivienne Medrano/Vivziepop, and Hunchback of Notre Dame belongs to Disney and Victor Hugo.

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isathekittypan's avatar

I just want to hug him