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Aus, pt. IX
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Literature Text
"Drem yol lok, Dovahkiin." ["Peace fire sky {Greetings}, Dragonborn."]
Brett could feel her hands begin to shake at the sight of the black dragon. She quickly crossed her arms, trying to look indignant, not terrified. That in itself seemed like an impossible task: The last time she had seen him as a true dovah, she had been wearing her armor, and she'd had her Conjured sword. She'd had a barrier between herself and the eldest of Akatosh's children, and a way to protect herself should that barrier be compromised. There was always a failsafe. But now, she had nothing. There was no armor, no weapon, no magicka. There was no place to fall back to.
Still, she forced herself to walk towards Alduin, though she was certain that her legs were shaking. "What do you want?" she asked shortly.
Alduin laughed. It sounded a great deal more gravelly than it did in his mortal form. "Have you no concept of formalities, Dovahkiin?"
Her eye twitched, and she wondered if that would ever stop happening. "You had your priest drag me out of bed and, still in my nightdress, bring me out here in front of everyone in your court. So do not speak to me of formalities. What do you want?"
"Simply your presence, mal Dovahkiin," [little Dragonborn,"] he said.
"And you couldn't wait the five minutes it would have taken for me to get dressed?"
"Niid." ["No."]
She stepped closer, keenly aware that his servants could see her clearly. "You may fly around stark naked, but I believe in something called 'decency.' I refuse to stay in here dressed like this." She turned away from him.
And felt long talons wrap around her waist and yank her back. She slammed into Alduin's rough, sharp scales before dropping to the stone floor.
"You are not to leave, Dragonborn."
"I gathered," she groaned, pushing herself up so that she was sitting. She could see blood dripping from numerous scrapes, but nothing serious seemed to be wrong. With a resigned sigh, she carefully leaned against the one thing she could: Alduin himself. She could hear the low purr that signaled how much he enjoyed her reaction.
"Hi lost meyz boziik, mal gein," ["You have become bold, little one,"] Alduin said, amused. "I do not need to have a reason to have you here…but I am sure that I can think of one," –she felt him nuzzle her, which almost sent her tumbling again- "Nuz Zu nis dreh ol Zu laan. Ni med daar. Paak…." ["But I cannot do as I wish. Not like this. Shame…."]
She shuddered at the innuendo. It was a lot harder to either except or ignore his advances when he wasn't a man, but a mountainous dovah.
"Tell me about your suitors, Dovahkiin."
Brett jolted as if she had licked a storm atronach. "What?!"
"You were looking for a husband; you said so yourself," he said. "I wish to know who your suitors were. How many you had. Things of that nature."
For a moment, she wanted more than anything to disappear from sight. Specifically, his sight.
That jagged snout nudged her. "Tinvaak, Dovahkiin." ["Speak, Dragonborn."]
Brett tried to do as he bade, but all that came out as a slur of incomprehensible words and a mumbled, "hagraven."
"Come now, Dovahkiin. Now is not the time to be shy."
She took a deep, shaky breath. "There's not really anyone."
"I'm sure there is someone that I should know about."
Turning to look at him, she tried to put on a brave face. "How do I know you won't try to kill anyone I name?"
"You don't," he said. "But I did not request an answer, Dovahkiin. I demanded it. Answer now, or it will be Paarthurnax who will pay the penalty for your disobedience," –he laughed cruelly- "And he does not possess your charm, mal gein. [little one.] He would not be forgiven as easily as I forgive you."
Wishing that she were anywhere but where she was, she began. "Well…there's Erik, he has a bit of an infatuation with me…."
"Tell me about him. Nu." [Now."]
"Red-haired, young. Eager to please," –she thought back to the memory of him fighting off draugr in a dank crypt as she desperately tried to pick the exit's lock- "Brave..."
When he spoke, he sounded like he was trying to control his anger. "Did you return his feelings?"
She felt something wet run down her face, and realized that she was crying. "Niid," ["No,"] she said softly. "He's just…. My lifestyle is too hectic for him. He may not see it, but I do. He deserves better."
If he'd been in a man's body, he would have cocked an eyebrow. "Hi losmorah ful?" he said. "Hmm…continue."
Her blush only grew worse. "There's a man, Brynjolf, that I was a bit taken with. But I think the only reason he flirted with me was to pick my pocket…."
"Ahrk rok los med?" ["And he is like?"]
"Red hair, tall. He's a thief, I believe."
"Hmm, hi lost aan losmed fah sahqo om," ["Hmm, you have a liking for red hair,"] he said. She was surprised at the teasing in his voice. "I must keep you away from Odahviing," –much to her disgust, she felt his tongue, thick and slimy, run over cheek- "And tell me this, Dovahkiin: Have you had any lovers?"
Had she not been frozen from his 'kiss', she would have tried to move away. As it was, all she could do for a few moments was blink and gape like a fish. "L-…lover? No, I-I haven't-…."
Alduin laughed at how uncomfortable she seemed. "Even if you had not answered, I could see that," he said. "I enjoy seeing you squirm, Dovahkiin. I just can't help myself," –suddenly, he moved, causing her to lose her balance- "But I have had enough of this place. Be still, joor." [mortal."]
In an instant, Alduin had taken her in his jaws. She let out a loud squeal of terror, wanting to try to escape, yet being afraid to move. It took her a moment to realize that he wasn't trying to bite her in half. Instead, he was carrying her towards the giant door at the end of the room. It didn't hurt, but having his teeth press into her wasn't exactly comfortable.
"Is this really necessary?!" she squeaked. Unable to reply verbally, he nodded.
The door was thrown open, and she saw a balcony, just like the one in his bedroom, on the other side. From the corner of her eye, she could see his wings being thrown out. In a rush of terror, she realized what he was about to do.
"No, no, don't-!"
When he took to the sky, she let out a piercing screech of pure fear. Her fingers dug at his scales, trying to cling to something. He dove down, and it felt as though she had left her stomach back on the balcony. The ground was rushing towards them, though it still seemed to be leagues and leagues away. Tears streamed from her face, though they flowed at odd angles whenever Alduin decided to turn or roll.
"Put me down!" she begged. "Please, please, put me down!"
He laughed deep in his throat. Slowly, he began to fly upwards. The air stirred beneath his wings, making her braid blow about in every direction. A familiar sight came into view: His balcony. They were nearing his chambers.
'Oh, thank the gods!'
He landed, the very walls shaking from his weight. More delicately than she had imagined, he laid her on the ground. Legs shaking, she scrambled to her feet and away from the edge of the balcony. She was so terrified that she almost missed Alduin returning to a mortal's body.
First, his scales began to shift. Then they began to pull into his body as his horns retracted. She could hear the snapping of bones as his body collapsed in on itself. She could see pale flesh begin to show through the grey skin that had been beneath his plating, and black hair sprouted from his head where his horns had once been. She couldn't take her mind off of him, she was so amazed.
When Alduin had returned to the form she was most familiar with, he was smiling.
"Did you really think I was going to drop you, Dovahkiin?" he asked, walking closer to her. "You should know me better than that," –he kissed her, deep and passionate- "Mal Dovahkiini. Ful rinik brit." ["My little Dragonborn. So very beautiful."]
"Why did you do that?!" she asked, her voice hoarse.
He chuckled. "Because I like when you cling to me, little one," –he kissed her again, and his hand rested on her lower back, pulling her in tighter- "And I wish you to cling to me again, now." His tongue trailed over her throat, and she couldn't help but think that she preferred this human tongue to a dovah's tongue. "Mmm, and I believe that you wish for the same. Don't you, Dovahkiin? Ahrk dreh ni nok, brit geini." [And do not lie, my beautiful one."]
She could feel heat spreading through her veins at his touch. The combination of terror, followed by the pleasure of his touch, was almost too much to bear. Breathless, she nodded. He laughed at her reaction.
"Ful Zu morah," ["So I thought,"] he purred. In an instant, he had picked her up into his arms. "And I am tired of waiting."
Brett could feel her hands begin to shake at the sight of the black dragon. She quickly crossed her arms, trying to look indignant, not terrified. That in itself seemed like an impossible task: The last time she had seen him as a true dovah, she had been wearing her armor, and she'd had her Conjured sword. She'd had a barrier between herself and the eldest of Akatosh's children, and a way to protect herself should that barrier be compromised. There was always a failsafe. But now, she had nothing. There was no armor, no weapon, no magicka. There was no place to fall back to.
Still, she forced herself to walk towards Alduin, though she was certain that her legs were shaking. "What do you want?" she asked shortly.
Alduin laughed. It sounded a great deal more gravelly than it did in his mortal form. "Have you no concept of formalities, Dovahkiin?"
Her eye twitched, and she wondered if that would ever stop happening. "You had your priest drag me out of bed and, still in my nightdress, bring me out here in front of everyone in your court. So do not speak to me of formalities. What do you want?"
"Simply your presence, mal Dovahkiin," [little Dragonborn,"] he said.
"And you couldn't wait the five minutes it would have taken for me to get dressed?"
"Niid." ["No."]
She stepped closer, keenly aware that his servants could see her clearly. "You may fly around stark naked, but I believe in something called 'decency.' I refuse to stay in here dressed like this." She turned away from him.
And felt long talons wrap around her waist and yank her back. She slammed into Alduin's rough, sharp scales before dropping to the stone floor.
"You are not to leave, Dragonborn."
"I gathered," she groaned, pushing herself up so that she was sitting. She could see blood dripping from numerous scrapes, but nothing serious seemed to be wrong. With a resigned sigh, she carefully leaned against the one thing she could: Alduin himself. She could hear the low purr that signaled how much he enjoyed her reaction.
"Hi lost meyz boziik, mal gein," ["You have become bold, little one,"] Alduin said, amused. "I do not need to have a reason to have you here…but I am sure that I can think of one," –she felt him nuzzle her, which almost sent her tumbling again- "Nuz Zu nis dreh ol Zu laan. Ni med daar. Paak…." ["But I cannot do as I wish. Not like this. Shame…."]
She shuddered at the innuendo. It was a lot harder to either except or ignore his advances when he wasn't a man, but a mountainous dovah.
"Tell me about your suitors, Dovahkiin."
Brett jolted as if she had licked a storm atronach. "What?!"
"You were looking for a husband; you said so yourself," he said. "I wish to know who your suitors were. How many you had. Things of that nature."
For a moment, she wanted more than anything to disappear from sight. Specifically, his sight.
That jagged snout nudged her. "Tinvaak, Dovahkiin." ["Speak, Dragonborn."]
Brett tried to do as he bade, but all that came out as a slur of incomprehensible words and a mumbled, "hagraven."
"Come now, Dovahkiin. Now is not the time to be shy."
She took a deep, shaky breath. "There's not really anyone."
"I'm sure there is someone that I should know about."
Turning to look at him, she tried to put on a brave face. "How do I know you won't try to kill anyone I name?"
"You don't," he said. "But I did not request an answer, Dovahkiin. I demanded it. Answer now, or it will be Paarthurnax who will pay the penalty for your disobedience," –he laughed cruelly- "And he does not possess your charm, mal gein. [little one.] He would not be forgiven as easily as I forgive you."
Wishing that she were anywhere but where she was, she began. "Well…there's Erik, he has a bit of an infatuation with me…."
"Tell me about him. Nu." [Now."]
"Red-haired, young. Eager to please," –she thought back to the memory of him fighting off draugr in a dank crypt as she desperately tried to pick the exit's lock- "Brave..."
When he spoke, he sounded like he was trying to control his anger. "Did you return his feelings?"
She felt something wet run down her face, and realized that she was crying. "Niid," ["No,"] she said softly. "He's just…. My lifestyle is too hectic for him. He may not see it, but I do. He deserves better."
If he'd been in a man's body, he would have cocked an eyebrow. "Hi losmorah ful?" he said. "Hmm…continue."
Her blush only grew worse. "There's a man, Brynjolf, that I was a bit taken with. But I think the only reason he flirted with me was to pick my pocket…."
"Ahrk rok los med?" ["And he is like?"]
"Red hair, tall. He's a thief, I believe."
"Hmm, hi lost aan losmed fah sahqo om," ["Hmm, you have a liking for red hair,"] he said. She was surprised at the teasing in his voice. "I must keep you away from Odahviing," –much to her disgust, she felt his tongue, thick and slimy, run over cheek- "And tell me this, Dovahkiin: Have you had any lovers?"
Had she not been frozen from his 'kiss', she would have tried to move away. As it was, all she could do for a few moments was blink and gape like a fish. "L-…lover? No, I-I haven't-…."
Alduin laughed at how uncomfortable she seemed. "Even if you had not answered, I could see that," he said. "I enjoy seeing you squirm, Dovahkiin. I just can't help myself," –suddenly, he moved, causing her to lose her balance- "But I have had enough of this place. Be still, joor." [mortal."]
In an instant, Alduin had taken her in his jaws. She let out a loud squeal of terror, wanting to try to escape, yet being afraid to move. It took her a moment to realize that he wasn't trying to bite her in half. Instead, he was carrying her towards the giant door at the end of the room. It didn't hurt, but having his teeth press into her wasn't exactly comfortable.
"Is this really necessary?!" she squeaked. Unable to reply verbally, he nodded.
The door was thrown open, and she saw a balcony, just like the one in his bedroom, on the other side. From the corner of her eye, she could see his wings being thrown out. In a rush of terror, she realized what he was about to do.
"No, no, don't-!"
When he took to the sky, she let out a piercing screech of pure fear. Her fingers dug at his scales, trying to cling to something. He dove down, and it felt as though she had left her stomach back on the balcony. The ground was rushing towards them, though it still seemed to be leagues and leagues away. Tears streamed from her face, though they flowed at odd angles whenever Alduin decided to turn or roll.
"Put me down!" she begged. "Please, please, put me down!"
He laughed deep in his throat. Slowly, he began to fly upwards. The air stirred beneath his wings, making her braid blow about in every direction. A familiar sight came into view: His balcony. They were nearing his chambers.
'Oh, thank the gods!'
He landed, the very walls shaking from his weight. More delicately than she had imagined, he laid her on the ground. Legs shaking, she scrambled to her feet and away from the edge of the balcony. She was so terrified that she almost missed Alduin returning to a mortal's body.
First, his scales began to shift. Then they began to pull into his body as his horns retracted. She could hear the snapping of bones as his body collapsed in on itself. She could see pale flesh begin to show through the grey skin that had been beneath his plating, and black hair sprouted from his head where his horns had once been. She couldn't take her mind off of him, she was so amazed.
When Alduin had returned to the form she was most familiar with, he was smiling.
"Did you really think I was going to drop you, Dovahkiin?" he asked, walking closer to her. "You should know me better than that," –he kissed her, deep and passionate- "Mal Dovahkiini. Ful rinik brit." ["My little Dragonborn. So very beautiful."]
"Why did you do that?!" she asked, her voice hoarse.
He chuckled. "Because I like when you cling to me, little one," –he kissed her again, and his hand rested on her lower back, pulling her in tighter- "And I wish you to cling to me again, now." His tongue trailed over her throat, and she couldn't help but think that she preferred this human tongue to a dovah's tongue. "Mmm, and I believe that you wish for the same. Don't you, Dovahkiin? Ahrk dreh ni nok, brit geini." [And do not lie, my beautiful one."]
She could feel heat spreading through her veins at his touch. The combination of terror, followed by the pleasure of his touch, was almost too much to bear. Breathless, she nodded. He laughed at her reaction.
"Ful Zu morah," ["So I thought,"] he purred. In an instant, he had picked her up into his arms. "And I am tired of waiting."
I've made it to chapter nine! Hooray! 
This is a bit choppy, I think, but I've had this idea in my head FOREVER. And the ending will pick up in chapter 10.
Skyrim (c) Bethesda

This is a bit choppy, I think, but I've had this idea in my head FOREVER. And the ending will pick up in chapter 10.

Skyrim (c) Bethesda
© 2014 - 2025 Blackwidow121493
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