
Soulgem's Application

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Name: Soulgem

Sex: Male

Species: Ghost

Age: 21

Hometown/Homeworld: Darkmoor, within the Spiral

Description: his normal attire is an 1800's suit of sorts (if any of you have ever played wizard101, think of the marleybone outfits, it's mainly a combination of Dandy's bowler, Noble garb, and swashbuckler shoes) grey colored eyes, has a bit of a lightish grey translucent skin color to him (considering he's a ghost and all that lol) ghostly white short/long hair (it honestly doesn't go that far down,like the most is probably neck length)

His wrestling biketard depicts his normal attire, but he chooses not to wear his hat so he doesn't lose it.

now for a bit of backstory: Soulgem was nothing more than a mere student at your typical wizard's school, and he was very timid even back then really, he will probably try tell you otherwise. And although he chose necromancy as his preferred class, everyone at the school knew him as a caring friend who would never betray them. One day, his team, the Spiral Warriors, were tasked with saving a class of students from a fiend called 'Old Cob', one of Cob's men decided to get the drop on him and was successful in ridding him via an accidental hanging. After his death, he awoke to find a spell tome and a piece of paper with the phrase: L.K.Soulgem next to him, gathering his newly found possesions, he decided to float around the mysterious new world he found himself in. He then met someone he later fell head over heels for, Lydia Dreary, the two began building a bit of a friendship and Lydia made mention of Midnight Mansion to him, which is where he learned of it in the first place, as for his relationship with Pedro, that's another story for another time.

Height: 5'8"

Weight: I'm a ghost, I weigh nothing at all :P

Next comes the questionare. This is optional but we encourage that these questions get answered.

1. What made you interested in joining Playboy Vampire?
I've heard a lot of interesting stories about this place, I wish to try and make my own here, as well as meet interesting new friends :D
2. Where did you hear of Playboy Vampire?
Lydia Dreary, I happened to bump into her at one point and one day we just started talking about it.
3. Who is your favorite Vampirette?/Which Vampirette do you look up to?
Again, that answer is going to have to be Lydia Dreary, why, is something I wish to keep a secret at this time... though chances are everyone already knows.
4. If you could be in any Playboy Vampire Series, which would you specifically pick?
That one is easy: aside from wrestling there is one series I'd like to be in, though it's probably not going to be easy to GET IN... Wizard101 wrestling, I know SO MUCH about this game it would seem since I came from the very universe it depicts. If not that, then perhaps the haunted suit? I am a ghost after all, maybe it'll make sense.
Now that's all done and out of the way, allow us to finish up with the terms of service.

-No Humans.
-No Harassment of any kind onto other Vampirettes. (This includes physical and verbal harassment)
-No Bullying of any kind. We make sure that every applicant feels comfortable.
-"Vampirette" is only referred to female applicants. Males are considered "Vampyres"
-Do not eat other applicants.
-Any harm onto other applicants applies to the "Eye for an Eye" rule. This rule will make sure that anyone caught harming another applicant gets just desserts.
-When wrestling with other applicants, the use of magic/tendrils/powers of any sort is HIGHLY prohibited as it creates an unfair advantage.
-You must follow the PBV rules of Wrestling in order to even participate in any match.
-If you are challenged to a match, you do have the right to deny the challenge. If you declare a challenge to another applicant, they do have the right to deny your challenge.
-You may interfere during any match, so long it's within good reason.
-You cannot interfere a match with blunt instruments, unless it's scripted by the Queen.

I, Soulgem, agree to these terms."
He finally becomes an actual thing to the fan oc's and perhaps :iconplayboyvampire: can find many a thing to do with him (that is if I don't first somehow XD) 
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