Current Residence: Italy
Favourite genre of music: post-punk, rock, etc.
Favourite style of art: collage, photography, sketches, creating and decorating stuff.
Operating System: windows
Wallpaper of choice: photography, landscapes
Favourite cartoon character: wall-e
Personal Quote: it's always darkest before the dawn
Favourite Visual Artist
warhol, lichteinstein, monet, chagall, kandiskji, pollock, magritte, van gogh, etc etc..
Favourite Movies
edward scissorhands + all about Burton & Nolan (but a lot of other stuff too)
Favourite TV Shows
sherlock, luther, lucifer, criminal minds, bates motel,under the dome, new girl, etc.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
mgk, ministri, the bastard sons of dioniso, editors, many more
Favourite Writers
Neil Gaiman, R. Dahl, E.A.Poe, beat generation, etc
Tools of the Trade
camera, hands, imagination.
Other Interests
i love cinema above all