Iyasa MitsurugiBlackKusanagi on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/blackkusanagi/art/Iyasa-Mitsurugi-41550023BlackKusanagi

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Iyasa Mitsurugi



A superhuman girl who's also in the UMWF, but participates in the extreme league. So she's in more of a UFC'ish arena. One of two twins.

Name : Iyasa Mitsurugi

Alias : The 11th Wonder of the World

Age : 29

Hair Color : Blue.

Eye Color : Magenta

Race : Sub-Human

Skin Color : Caucasian yet A little tanned.

Height : 6'

Weight : 410 lbs (due to muscle and bone density)

Occupation : UMWF Competitor, Bodybuilder, High School Teacher

Build : Very very well built.

Personality : Iyasa is a hilarious individual, who is always easy to get along with. She never bothers her students much, and always loves meeting new people. Although her superhuman abilities are far higher than her sisters, she is very humble about it, and tries not to boast them.

Danger Level : Ayasa is a very talented fighter, and a well balanced super. With 25 ton strength, hightened sense of danger, smell, sight and hearing ; and increased endurance, stamina, speed, and agility, she is a danger to anything she sees a foe. Hence, danger level S-


Two twins were born to a somewhat normal family in the surburbs of Tokyo. Their names were Iyasa, and Iyase. Iyase came out an hour before Iyasa did, and it was from that point the girls differences would grow. As time went along, both grew up in different manners. Iyasa was always healthy... while Iyase had had minor health problems. Iyasa's physical stature improved incredibly and drastically. Iyase's did not. But one thing never changed. Their love for one another. When both had reached 18... strangely enough, they were endowed with super human abilities. Iyase's werent that high up, but due to Iyasa's high physical abilities before hand, her powers came into frutition much faster and more predominantly. Iyase didnt get jealous, but was proud of her twins abilities. So she left off on endeavors on her own. As Iyasa went through the years, she entered the Miss. Athena competion (fbb comp of mine) and won 2 years in a row. But before long, she was becoming bored, and thought she could get more out of life. So she entered the UMWF, planning to use her abilities and her past fighting experience to good use. She became a quick star of the extreme division before Blackfyre came and destroyed her on a pay per view event. Still competing in both the Athena and the UMWF, she decided to take things slowly as she began a life teaching at random high schools. She eventually met with her sister again who had become a full fledged ninja and was actually very well powered herself now. Both sisters began to tell their stories as they ended up moving in with one another. Looked like things hadnt changed at all...


UMWF, Miss. Athena, Iyasa, Iyase, Blackfyre (C) *BlackKusanagi
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