Metarex Commander Blue CedarBlackdoom86 on DeviantArt

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Metarex Commander Blue Cedar



A young seedrian boy named Thornix, son of Lucas and Earthia, also their oldest child. Before the Black Arms attack on Greengate he was a playful kid and used to have a lot of fun with his younger sis Galaxina. When ever the war started Lucas sort of put him under a lot of pressure to be like him even though Thornix secretly didn't want to. He actually wanted to leave with Earthia when she deemed an exodus necessary but Lucas convinced him to stay. During the nuclear attack his legs were badly crippled while he was in Mover Mode so Dark Oak had Black Narcissus amputate his crippled legs and replace them with robotic ones. Only his upper half of his body is organic. From this point forward Dark Oak promised to him that he would never allow anything to happen to him again.
During the Metarex Age, Cedar and Red Pine actually had considered leaving together but both were to unwilling to actually leave Dark Oak behind after all the "hard work and sacrifice" he had put into their cause.
Further down the road when the Metarex fell into an ambush by the Crimsonators, Dark Oak was personally in a physical fight with Lieutenant Portal Portal and was badly beaten down. When Portal was about to finish Oak off Cedar got in the way and Portal killed him instead. Cedar had done this because he was tired of seeing all the violence unfold and people left and right dying off, seeing how unraveled his own father had become, how much blood he had on his hands being part of a faction that left planets to die out. He couldn't stand it anymore. He believed he was an unworthy soldier and a bad son (as he had shown to hesitate in battle previous times).
You could say "he was crumbling under the weight of expectations" from Dark Oak and mostly the other Metarex commanders. ....Kinda tragic..... if you think about it. When he saved Dark Oak from Portal it was also an act of suicide.
His weapon is was a katana just like his father although he wasn't as professional in swordsmanship. He had good spaceship piloting skills and was actually q pretty decent strategist. He liked engineering so he spent a lot of time working with and learning from Black Narcissus on scientific things.
Personality: Blue Cedar was actually more timid and shy. He really wasn't big on battle and hated violence unlike his father and Zelkova. He was very kind hearted, acted as a voice of reason and moral support. Cedar also tend sto have low self esteem.
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4096x3072px 6.72 MB
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1/184 second
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Date Taken
Jan 3, 2022, 9:11:27 PM
© 2022 - 2025 Blackdoom86
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Sawcraft1's avatar

Hey this is an interesting concept, I love the idea of the black arms being the ones to attack green gate. But the helmet is so sick looking! amazing job