Still Hereblackdidthis on DeviantArt

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blackdidthis's avatar

Still Here



This was an entry work for a cartoon competition a few years back. As far as I kjnow the original can still be viewed at the Museum of "House of Humour and Satir" in Gabrova Bulgaria.

As you can well guess it was intended to represent the many people that have had to/have to fight vigorously against a very deadly health situation... I always tend to tell my son that you can someties not have full control on who is to win a game. But you can always control on enjoying it or not.
My small tribute to the many survivors/fighters.

Bless you all!
(You can view the original Instagram post…)
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3508x4961px 1.76 MB
© 2018 - 2025 blackdidthis
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AgnosticDragon's avatar
It would take quite some skill to paint a part of your body you cannot see.