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is joy with chapstick and a book
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Updating Again

2 min read
I know. It's been a while. But there is a story, if you'd like to hear it.

A few weeks ago, my school held a photography competition. Since I've been suffering from depression and just overall haven't been very prolific, I wouldn't have submitted except at the urging of my roommates. It was then, searching through all my photos and having quite a difficult time choosing what to submit to the competition that I had the first idea to start submitting in DA again. I didn't submit to DA, but I did choose a picture to send to the school.

A week went by and I heard nothing, then one day my facebook alerted me that I had been tagged in a photo. Lo and behold, the photo was the one I had submitted to the competition, and I learned I was a finalist out of 154 pictures. I was charmed to say the least, but still no DA.

Another week went by of finals and moving out, and a second week of resting at home. And then today I finally clear out some space in my house for my desktop and put it together and now I'm uploading some pictures. It's really amazing, but I'm back on DA. I never really left, always checking the art that people submit whom I follow, but I wasn't active either. I have lots of photos, so this should last me a while, but not long because I'm going to Nepal for 7 weeks a week from tomorrow. But I'll be here for a while. So that'll be nice :)

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With how much I love to talk, you'd think I'd just go crazy with blogging. Writing all the time, no one to interrupt me.

Yeah. That would be too easy. It's way more fun interrupting others.

Here's the deal: I graduated. It actually happened. In two days, I'll be walking down the aisle (not that aisle) to receive my diploma. I'm super excited. I'll be going to Wheaton College in the fall to start my major in English with a creative writing emphasis. I will have to move to get there, but only a few hours...or more...or really far. Eh, I can't give you guys too many clues to where I live! I'm already filing away in my mind what I'll be taking with me to Wheaton. And what I won't be. I'm gonna miss some things. Like my dog.
So why can't I have a pet in the dorms again?

This journal is, in a way, very similar to my last one a year ago. School's ended. My birthday's coming up (finally 18!). I've been looking for jobs at a buh-gillion places, and guess what? No one's hiring. Same old story. This year, though, I've got a load of things backing me up. So let's look at the high lights of the year, shall we?

In no particular order...

- Les Miserables -
I played multiple minor roles in my high school's musical this year, Les Miserables . If anyone's wondering which roles, it's hard to explain because we changed a few men roles to women roles and we combined character lines to fit our smaller, largely female cast. So I'll keep it at "multiple minor roles." This year, the whole casting process was probably as emotionally draining as doing the entire show. Basically, the same women who received major roles last year also got them this year, though a few were obviously not the best choices. I still have no idea why other girls (mainly myself and another girl, Leah) weren't chosen. Leah has a great voice, and I can act way better than another of the "chosen ones", even if our voices were the same (and there not). Just thinking about that whole experience sets my blood boiling again.
But one reason does come to mind as to why I wasn't chosen, and that's this.

- Homosexual Parenting article in the school Newspaper -
Now, I'm not even in journalism in the first place. But here's me, innocently walking to class one day when BAM! the editor and chief asks me to do an article. "Write what you believe. It doesn't matter," he tells me. "We have another journalist writing an opposing view. The opinions will be balanced," he says.
I write a decent article, expressing my opinion like an adult - with facts and reasoning and no ulterior motive tainting my focus on expressing an opinion (not Nazi hatred). Just to clear the air, I did write against homosexuals being able to adopt. But I'm not writing to talk about that. This is about my sister.
Next day, I hear she's crying in the counselor's office because of things she's heard people saying about me. Like, what?! I mean, I expect people to not agree, even be angry at my, can you believe, my opinion ruining the glorified standard of tolerance, but why be angry at me? Be angry at my opinion, at my view. Not me. I'm a person. You don't have to hate me for my beliefs.
Wait? Isn't that what they're telling me to do? And I'm not angry or hateful at homosexuals. I disagree with their lifestyle, their beliefs. I'm not attacking anyone. I wrote an article stating a fact - I disagree. But people don't like facts. They like what their own itching ears want to hear. I felt so sorry for my sister. She had to suffer because of that.

- Getting into Wheaton College -
I know, I'm in already, but waiting for my letter of acceptance drove me crazy. I was so nervous. I kept calling, needing to know why my letter hadn't arrived yet. Was it because they send the letters reverse alphabetically? Did they send the declining letters after the acceptance?
I was nervous. And now I'm not.
Hooray :D

- Prom -
I add prom in just to show I did it. To me, Prom is more a tradition than an actual party. It's going through the motions, doing it because everyone else is, because you're parents did it, because your grandparents did it. I went through my motions with a small group of friends at my house. At Prom, we danced until they kicked us out. Then we hassled with our rock hard hair the next day. I wouldn't be surprised if you had a similar experience.
Like I said. Tradition.

- Finishing my first book -
Here's something a thousand times more exciting. I finished my first book! Granted, it's not a novel, but it's still my first book. And my first childrens book. I even illustrated it, with my fantastic *hack, cough* skills. I worked on it over Christmas break (which I got sick on twice! Once at the beginning, a second at the end), and it ended up pretty nice. I want to edit the text and pictures and then send it to a publishing company or agent. Whichever will accept me first. Hoo-Rah!

Kinda silly being able to sum up a year like that. But I'm pretty much leaving school out because it wasn't remarkable, and that leaves out around 3/4's of my life. Oh yeah, one thing about school. I graduate summa cum laude. Being able to say that is about all I get for celebration, so let me have my two seconds of pride.

Over and out. Until another year.

"When you write, no one can interrupt you. When you write, you have complete control. When you write, no one can tell you you're wrong. Because you're writing. That makes you right."
~ Me

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note me

Firstly, I love this new "steal a skin" ability for the journal! I did NOT make this journal, but I found it on DA and it is made by a deviant. If you like it, get it from him/her. Personally, I love it :) (I changed the font color, though)
Second order of business: I'm almost done with school! I have two halfdays left and two exams (Spanish and English) between me and summer! Haha! And then I only have one year left 'til graduation! ;_; oh, how the years go by. But I am ready!
Getting happier yet, my birthday is on the 11th, but my dad left for Nepal (missionary business) for a month and with miss it, so he bought me (to my great great GREAT surprise) a Wacom Intuous4 medium tablet. WOAH. My parents haven't EVER bought me anything over 100 dollars. Wow. I'm loving it. (Yeah. just like McDonald's) Exceeeept...photoshop isn't registering the pen pressure. :< So all my projects are on hold.
Yes. I have projects. And like i said. THEY"RE ON HOLD. :tears:
Getting sadder...I have no job. I thought i did, but they hired too many people and can't hire me back. Shucks. I spent all day today job hunting. And I've spent the whole last month job hunting. I feel like I'll never have a job again.
Oh, and guess what! When I went to one of the stores, a bunch of my friends were there eating ice cream! Hehe. After exams they eat ice cream (cause they're good people and already have jobs.) It was ok, though. The job hunting. Except for the first place. Where a college guy got this look on his face, ya know, THE LOOK, and I decided he was a creeper. So when I asked to have a job application, I emphasised the fact that I was under 18 and did that store hire under 18? They did. But he's still a creeper.
I was so freaked out though that I almost couldn't continue.
I did. Thank goodness.
The only other thing in my life consists of looking for areas to help my church and to grow in my walk with Christ, writing my story (which I dreadfully want to finish this summer. Then I can get it published and get MONEY. (no, not greed. just helps pay for college...and no job maybe???? >> simply plus sides P: )), and making myself look as good as possible to the college I have fallen in love with.
Wheaton College, IL!!!!
I drool every time I think of thee.

Hmm. Anyone up for an end of journal quote?

“No written law has ever been more binding than unwritten custom supported by popular opinion”
- Carrie Chapman Catt
(I had to write an essay on this for English Tuesday, so I thought it fitting)

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So what? Sue me

3 min read
I hate to start off a journal sounding all sad and sincere, but I feel really dumb after not having updated my journal since summer...when school was still out...last year. Yeah, pretty weird, but I'm typing again.
The last drop of water that finally broke the dam for me happened tonight, when I realized my problem with journals. Most of the time, the point of a journal has been to talk about "the recents." What's going on, the state of one's emotions, terrible, happy, embarrassing events. I've come to an epitome, though. Something that happened over the summer and may be a reason why this journal has been so neglected. I'll spare you the details, but, all in all, I love writing. That's my epitome, something that now shapes my daily life and thoughts. Now writing intermingles with my present habits and passions. Now I know that when I shape my thoughts into words, whether by typing or handwriting, I will not, cannot, do so without enjoying every minute of it, not simply rushing through it.
The point that I'm making then is this: from now on, my goal in journals is to write because I love writing, not to accomplish a minimum of words or to impress the reader. Simply to relay the story of my life.
No, this is not becoming a personal, tearful journal that should be kept in a closet, but I'll write to my heart's desire and not be ashamed of it. Any questions? No? Good.

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This morning was very...surreal. I woke up because the sun was shining in my eyes, and it was shining in my eyes because my windows have no shades right now. I put a pillow in the crevice between my bed and the window and slept in its shade for a few hours more. I was still tired from yesterday because I hadn't been feeling well. It seemed like I could've slept forever. And then a thought popped into my head: it's monday.
End of surrealness.
Hopping out of bed, I dashed downstairs, glancing at my digital clock next to my bed before I left. Ten minutes till ten. That can't be good. Downstairs I grabbed my church directory from a shelf and flipped through it. Finding the number I wanted I called it.
"Hi, this is Allison. Is Rachel available?"
"Hey, Allison," a female voice on the other end of the phoneline greets. "This is Rachel."
"Oh, hi Rachel. Um, I was wondering what time we were meeting at Asiago's?"
"Ten. Why? Are you already there?"
I think to myself, No! Quite the opposite.
Rachel lets me do what's neccessary to get ready, AKA: take a shower, and I leave.
Once I get there I order the flavor of soup of the day. Cheesy potato! Of course, Rachel and, well, my youth group leader, Rachel, make fun of me for having soup for breakfast, and we have our talk. An hour quickly passes and I realize I need to be back home. I apologized for arriving late and leaving early, and they courteously excuse me.
My thoughts as I drive home: it's time for the beach!
At home, I pull on my bathing suit and a tank top and shorts and pull together my beach supplies. I'm ready! The only problem is, my sister and her friend aren't and dad's not even home. Shoot. The time is 12 and, I have to go to work at five. It takes an hour to get to the beach, plus the time back...better call work.
Amazingly enough the girl who answers the phone is willing to pick up my hours and my manager give her consent.
That's what my day was. And then I went to the beach. Yay I ^^
Seriously, though, life's been pretty hectic. My family recently agreed to host a man from Iraq, so we've been involved with him. We took him and a man from Liberia to a ski resort to see an orchestra with fireworks at the end. The conductor for the orchestra there was ironically the same guy who conducted my sister's orchestra camp, so she said hello to him. In the pamphlet handed out, I saw my old violin teacher was playing in the orchestra and spotted her, so I chatted with her a while.
It was all really fun, but my favorite part was when the conductor talked about each song they were about to play. He was so funny! He always had all these terrible criticizms that people gave of the songs when they first were played even though people nowadays love them! Later in the show he said that he got all his criticizms from these books that are full of horrendous comments on loved music. The conductor said they were great bathroom reads XD There was ONE joke in particular that I was fond of.
He mentioned at the beginning of the concert that it was the second time he'd done the concert, and the thing he looked foward to the most this year was the food people gave him. Being the conductor, people were very generous with their picnic food they brought, and, I guess, one group in particular gives him lemon bars. (ok, this joke does get better)
So, during the intermission of the concert, he took a stroll up the hill of the skii resort and, as he said, it was like a reverse of the miracle: 5000 people trying to feed one man! LOL. ok. I thought it was hilarous. Yes, I did laugh very loud.
At the concert, I also got bitten to death by mosquitos, although from the looks of Siamond, our Iraqui guest, it looks like he took the first line of mosquitos. They liked him a lot. And, being that it was outside, this bug flew into my chest and I thought I felt it tumble down my shirt. I started freaking out (and my mom is giving me dirty looks because I was distracting her from the song that was playing), but my sister says she saw it fly in the other direction. To my mom's pleasure I calm down only to feel something wiggling in my pants. Pinching it, I wait till the end of the song, lasting so much longer that it actually did, to roll up my pantleg to reveal the perpetraitor: a nasty, little black bug. Told'ja, sis!
Also in life, I got back from camp. I guess that's pretty obvious, but I never made an official journal on it, so I felt that it needed to be acknowledged in some way. If only to say that I'm back XD
Sheesh I'm talking a lot. I think I'll take a shower now that I've gotten all this typing out of my system XD I smell like suntan lotion..and the beach. ^^
No quote. I don't feel like it :3

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Updating Again by blackcat101, journal

That once in a lifetime update by blackcat101, journal

School ending, my birthday, jobs, and a new tablet by blackcat101, journal

So what? Sue me by blackcat101, journal

Living in the Sun by blackcat101, journal