blackcat101's avatar


is joy with chapstick and a book
72 Watchers115 Deviations
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Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (43)
My Bio

Current Residence: in a book
Favourite genre of music: Anything but country, rap, and screamo. Anything.
Favourite style of art: Anime
MP3 player of choice: a white 30GB ipod
Shell of choice: ninja turtle!
Favourite cartoon character: the one that first stole my heart, the original - Bugs bunny!
Personal Quote: I ignore reality and substitute my own

Favourite Movies
Life is Beautiful, Les Miserables, The Last Samurai, Miyazaki movies, Lawrence of Arabia
Favourite TV Shows
Monk, Lost, Avatar the Last Airbender, Legend of Korra, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, Cash Cab, Planet Earth
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Leeland, Josh Groban, Yoko Kanno, Imogen Heap, Britt Nicole, Lea Salonga
Favourite Books
The Hunger Games, The Things They Carried, The Screwtape Letters, The Sacred Romance, Inferno and Purgatorio
Favourite Writers
Garth Nix, Maria V. Snyder, Stephenie Meyer, C.S. Lewis
Favourite Games
Final Fantasy Tactics
Favourite Gaming Platform
Nintendo DS
Tools of the Trade
sketchbook, pencil, Intuos4, photoshop CS4, corel sketch pad
Other Interests
Reading, writing, God, laughing, drawing, learning

Updating Again

0 min read
I know. It's been a while. But there is a story, if you'd like to hear it.A few weeks ago, my school held a photography competition. Since I've been suffering from depression and just overall haven't been very prolific, I wouldn't have submitted except at the urging of my roommates. It was then, searching through all my photos and having quite a difficult time choosing what to submit to the competition that I had the first idea to start submitting in DA again. I didn't submit to DA, but I did choose a picture to send to the school.A week went by and I heard nothing, then one day my facebook alerted me that I had been tagged in a photo. Lo ...
anonymous's avatar
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With how much I love to talk, you'd think I'd just go crazy with blogging. Writing all the time, no one to interrupt me.Yeah. That would be too easy. It's way more fun interrupting others.Here's the deal: I graduated. It actually happened. In two days, I'll be walking down the aisle (not that aisle) to receive my diploma. I'm super excited. I'll be going to Wheaton College in the fall to start my major in English with a creative writing emphasis. I will have to move to get there, but only a few hours...or more...or really far. Eh, I can't give you guys too many clues to where I live! I'm already filing away in my mind what I'll be ...
anonymous's avatar
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Firstly, I love this new "steal a skin" ability for the journal! I did NOT make this journal, but I found it on DA and it is made by a deviant. If you like it, get it from him/her. Personally, I love it :) (I changed the font color, though) Second order of business: I'm almost done with school! I have two halfdays left and two exams (Spanish and English) between me and summer! Haha! And then I only have one year left 'til graduation! ;_; oh, how the years go by. But I am ready! Getting happier yet, my birthday is on the 11th, but my dad left for Nepal (missionary business) for a month and with miss it, so he bought me (to my great great GR...
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Profile Comments 555

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sadness-of-sorrow's avatar
thanks for the kind comment in 2007
pinkythepink's avatar
:love: Thank you for the favorites, it really means ever so much to me that you enjoy my artwork! I invite you to add me to your watch so that you can see all the future beaded and stitched pieces I have planned! :blowkiss: Just think of the sparkles... :squee:
CMDobbs's avatar
Hey I am holding another contest and hope you consider entering it's for book 2(Seekers Temptation)…
KettleQuill's avatar
Thank you so much for the watch, you were my very first watcher and commenter all those years ago so I'm really flattered that you would rewatch me. c:
blackcat101's avatar
Haha! You're welcome :) I've really enjoyed watching you grow! I do get a little nostalgic realizing how young I (we) were way back when, which is weird considering how often the internet is impersonal rather than personal. I suppose I'm a tad equally flattered since you remember who I am considering! So yeah. Guess the feeling's mutual :)
KettleQuill's avatar
It seems (was) so long ago now haha I didn't think I would get internet nostalgia too but I was wrong. I think it's nice to have interacted with people all over the world and to see them change and grow, I love stumbling on old galleries and seeing how far they've come. Good times :)
xthumbtakx's avatar
hi! thank you so much for :+fav:ing my art!! :hug: :dalove: hope you'll check out the rest of my gallery! :D