RedGrovyle - On The Vulcano (V8)BlackburnCaveIrishNF on DeviantArt

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RedGrovyle - On The Vulcano (V8)



"Rhowrl" Hey my dear Fighter´s, and what´s up again ?

Alright, and here comes the next Picture of my Official CAVE 3D MODELS. The ones they i made and create with the use of the most hardest and complex program of them all freaking BLENDER, and they all are based on 3D MODELS. Okay, and here´s the 8th Version ´´V8´´ of the Picture ´´Dance on the Vulcano / On The Vulcano´´ that´s featuring, showing, including and starring another one of my CAVE CUSTOM MODELS in it. So here´s the ´´Fire-Starter´´ Version or Form of Grovyle and yeah its also surly belonging and part of the Picture´s featuring ´´RedSceptile´´ in it. So its the same with this Picture here featuring ´´RedGrovyle´´ a Custom Version of the good old Grovyle / Reptain (Nr.253), GEN3´s (Hoenn´s) famous Plant-Starter and Sceptile´s (Nr.254) Teen-State actually. - Based on the exact same Idea as well, even this Model here has a Animation featured and already included and its also one of the rare Animated DAE.Files. I Recolored Grovyle / Reptile here in the exact same way like i did it with Sceptile / Gewaldro, changed his Original Green Color into Red making and giving him a ´´Fire-Starter´´ look. - Unlike to Sceptile´s Model, i don´t removed anything of Grovyle´s Body Parts this time, even i actually tried and checked that out as well. - So yeah, i guess you all already know that the good old Sceptile and also his whole and complete Evo-Line from Child-State to Adult-State > Geckarbor / Treeko (Nr.252) ´´Child State´´, > Grovyle / Reptain (Nr.253) ´´Teen-State´´, > and Sceptile / Gewaldro ´´Adult State´´ actually is and also always was one of my very very rare personal Alltime Poké-Favorites and yeah i also always liked him in the Anime as well. Cause of his Always, Calm, Chilled, Cool, Relaxed and Easy Going Personallity. He´s also famous, iconic and just ´´Legendary´´ in his very own way with his famous ´´Meadow-Dip´´ in his Mouth. XD - He also was and is my personal 3rd Starter as well, and he was and is also the one for which i once broke with my also famous Water-Starter Tradition they i have since GEN1: BLUE back in SoulSilver for the only single time ever too. When you have to choice, and pick up your 3rd Starter there. I never regreted it to choice him back then, i also really like his Mega-Form too (even i really don´t care, about the lame sucking Mega-Forms at all, there are also a very few they i accept too yeah. Like Mega-Sceptile for example.) - So yeah, do you have ever wondered how the good old Grovyle would look like as a ´´Fire-Starter´´ hm ? - So yeah, i hope you like and enjoy it my dear Fighter´s.

(C) All Copyrights belongs CAVE 3D MODELS IRELAND / GERMANY (Me) !
(C) Alle Rechte gehören CAVE 3D MODELLEN IRLAND / DEUTSCHLAND (Mir) !

(C) GameFreak & Nintendo > Pokémon (Franchise) > Grovyle / Reptain (Nr.253) > GEN3: RUBY / SAPPHIRE / EMERALD

Everything is and was made by me while i used those programs: BLENDER2.9 / Windows 3D Model Viewer / GIMP2.10.34 / Paint-net !

This Picture is called too: Dance on the Vulcano / On The Vulcano (V8)
Blackburn Cave ´´The Baron of Fire´´ and Agu Dragon (RedScar) feat. RedGrovyle !!!
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1920x1080px 2.46 MB
© 2023 - 2025 BlackburnCaveIrishNF
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