Growlmon - Sticking Around With You (V5)BlackburnCaveIrishNF on DeviantArt

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Growlmon - Sticking Around With You (V5)



"Rhowrl" Hey my dear Fighter´s, and Digi-Destined Ones what´s up again ?

Alright, so rise your D-VICES and D-POWERS proudly up into the Air and let´s Unite cause here comes the next Picture of my Official CAVE 3D MODELS. The ones they i made and create with the use of the most hardest and complex program of them all freaking BLENDER. Okay, and here´s another Picture that´s featuring, showing, including and starring our good old Growlmon in it. Growlmon´s Model over here is also the one from ´´RUMBLE ARENA 2´´ yeah, this Picture here can also be seen as V10 of ´´Sticking Around With You´´ as well. Its also called ´´Com´Mon Buddy, Choice Me´´ based on the fact that i actually used BlackGuilmon the most in RUMBLE ARENA 2 (RA2) yeah. - The Model also really works fine, and without any Problem and Troubles, BLENDER also had no Problem with it. I was also really surprised that some Models of the good old Game ´´RUMBLE ARENA 2´´ was finally Ripped (Ported) from the Game now, and also about the fact that they´re also a DAE.File luckily, they are also all Rigged as well. The Model actually is from the GCN Version of RUMBLE ARENA 2 which i also once palyed on the famous GCN Emulator ´´Dolphin´´ as well, and i also really enjoyed playing it. So yeah, our DIGITAL HEROS aslo have their own SMASH Game Series. Which are the famous ´´´RUMBLE ARENA´´ Games, which´s newest one is and was ´´ALLSTAR RUMBLE ARENA´´ for PS3 or PS4, also the first RUMBLE ARENA Game which featured DoruLomon (FUSION / XROS WARS) for the very 1st Time, and  yeah, i also have DoruLomon as a Model for BLENDER as well too. The Models from RUMBLE ARENA 2 really looked nice and good enough for their Time, some good old Retro Models yeah. - Even there was also the strange fact, in RA2 that the Game just ´´Overjumped´´ ULTIMATE, and they D-VOLVED from CHAMPION directly to MEGA. - I also used BlackGuilmon and BlackGrowlmon the most in RA2 XD - I don´t even know why, i really liked BlackGuilmon back in RUMBLE ARENA 2 (RA2). Yeah, we also finally got freaking BlackGrowlmon in GHOST GAME man. Damn nice man, yeah. - So yeah, like Guilmon´s RUMBLE ARENA 2 Model Growlmon´s Model over here also has a few removeable Layers, they can be Removed but they don´t must be Removed after all. Even, i actually removed the Layers, to be honest. But, like i said, you don´t have to remove the Layer´s of the Model. - So yeah, i hope you like and enjoy it my dear Fighter´s.

´´Dragon Slash´´ - Growlmon (RUMBLE ARENA 2)

(C) All Copyrights belongs CAVE 3D MODELS IRELAND / GERMANY (Me) !
(R) Alle Rechte gehören CAVE 3D MODELLEN IRLAND / DEUTSCHLAND (Mir) !
(C) DragonsLight / DramonsLight (CAVE UNIVERSE - Me) !

(C) Toei Animation / Akiyoshi Hongo >  DIGIMON (Franchise) > Growlmon (CHAMPION) > Season 03: TAMERS ´´EVO´´

Everything is and was made by me while i used those programs: BLENDER2.9 / Windows 3D Model Viewer / GIMP2.10.34 / Paint-net !

This Picture is called too: Sticking Around With You / Com´Mon Buddy, Choice Me (V5 / V10)
Blackburn Cave ´´The Baron of Fire´´ and Agu Dragon (RedScar) feat. Growlmon !!!
Image size
1920x1080px 2.54 MB
© 2023 - 2025 BlackburnCaveIrishNF
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