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Look! A Game of Thrones toon! I did another one! 
This is pretty silly I know, but as soon as they started talking in last week's episode about how the dragons weren't large enough to take into battle yet I got this image in my head.
In the end Daenerys just had to resign to Ser Jorah's sensible plan of getting an army...
You guys excited Game of Thrones is back??
I am! I've missed it! 
On Tumblr: [link]
Game of Thrones (c) HBO

This is pretty silly I know, but as soon as they started talking in last week's episode about how the dragons weren't large enough to take into battle yet I got this image in my head.

You guys excited Game of Thrones is back??

On Tumblr: [link]
Game of Thrones (c) HBO
Image size
1187x2763px 524.65 KB
© 2013 - 2025 blackbirdrose
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Very cute!