Game of Thrones: Daenerys' Daydreamsblackbirdrose on DeviantArt

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Game of Thrones: Daenerys' Daydreams



Look! A Game of Thrones toon! I did another one! :dummy:

This is pretty silly I know, but as soon as they started talking in last week's episode about how the dragons weren't large enough to take into battle yet I got this image in my head. :XD: In the end Daenerys just had to resign to Ser Jorah's sensible plan of getting an army... :giggle: Whatever. :yawn:

You guys excited Game of Thrones is back?? :la: I am! I've missed it! :D

On Tumblr: [link]

Game of Thrones (c) HBO
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1187x2763px 524.65 KB
© 2013 - 2025 blackbirdrose
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