Bl0ckbird's avatar


even the sky isn't the limit
968 Watchers898 Deviations

Firefly Jar - W E L C O M E - F2U | Picture Frames

~ Boys Will Be Bugs ~

2:43 ───〇─── -5:29

⇄   ◃◃   ⅠⅠ   ▹▹   ↻


do NOT ask me whether i do commisions in the dm!! I will automatically block you and mark the message as spam!! Instead, please check out my posts or the status below to see!

another thing (less important but~): please don't tag me unless we've interacted more than a couple times and/or i watch you :p

You can call me whatever you like! Blocky, Birdy, Bird, Bl0ckbird, etcetera. I don’t care :3

I know the title of the song is 'boys will be bugs', but it's not a hate song or anything :p

most of my friends are boys

she/her, but I don't mind they/them either

I’m an amateur, period.

I use ‘guys’ as a collective term for everyone, btw. Not just for the male people who are here

I mainly draw dragons, working on cats (still trying to figure out my style for cats) and I'm working on my human drawing skills (they are desperate). I currently have no motivation for anything on my to-do list. Sorry guys... 

Currently obsessed with drawing stuff during school hours and writing a story on Google Docs... and I'm at aroung 56,000 words. Also doodling big cats for EBC :p

Current goal: 

1k watchers (SOME sort of event!)

yearly Core+ or Pro (saving up for it rn, feel free to contribute through the donation pool!)


Art Status

Requests: closed

Commissions: closed

Customs: closed

Art Trades: closed

Design Trades: closed


fireballismycat PitcherSpark Holiday-Spice CessnaTheSandWing AmethystsArt NerddDrawz W0LF-B0N3Z SiennaTheSandwing Ayguys-itsMayfly Langusaur s34gr4ss Lumaerian aqnie thatnat2468 GreenbeanOfDeath evx1yn

IRL Friends

aqnie evx1yn CatwardTheGreat fireballismycat CrazyBananaPeel Kiri0ichinohe


there will be some kind of event when I hit 1k. Maybe I'll even finish my to-do list...


kill u - Cavetown

Boys Will Be Bugs - Cavetown

Trenchh - Cavetown

frog - Cavetown

Juliet - Cavetown

green - Cavetown

Sick Boy - the Chainsmokers

Heather - Conan Grey

Cradles - Sub Urban

(Cavetown phase!!)

Wonderful Pagedolls

{AP} two fish of the sea

made by @ktl1177, of Bermuda and Foghorn :D

-- MORE TBA --

my fave!!!


Visit @RiddleBl0ck for riddles with point prizes!

At First There Were Three // EBC

To-do List

Contest prizes

fullbody of summer for AmethystsArt

Fullbody of Russet for CessnaTheSandWing 

Fullbody of WolfPaw for CanineKingTeeth 

Custom for Lumaerian

custom for HolidaySpice

custom for C0coart

headshot comm & custom for Gloryior

Headshot comm and fullbody custom for CorazonMorado

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YCHs, Commissions & Customs

Flying YCH for Sunkryses


Moodboard Custom for LucyAlwaysBeHappy

lineless Chibi comms!

2 headshots for Shadziy

Fullbody for JubiLexi

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Baite and Sckrbel Breeding + Catching

- - - -

(if I am missing anything, please tell me!)

Donation Pool

tip basket
990/5000 points

Profile Comments 575

anonymous's avatar
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lethicaryFan899's avatar

Hoi bl0ck! Intrested in my commisions?

Bl0ckbird's avatar

as of now, sorry but no, but maybe in the future? i'm a bit hyperfixilated on EBC and the activity checks, and my points are all in my alt account

Cha0ticCal4mity's avatar

Ahhhh hello fellow Avatar watcher! They are my favorite movies too!

Bl0ckbird's avatar

ooo! what do you like the most about it? i, personally, love the world-building heh

Cha0ticCal4mity's avatar

Yeah me too! I also love the designs of the na’vi!

Bl0ckbird's avatar

totally! the metkayina and omaticaya designs are so cool!!

apparently there's gonna be a couple new tribes in the 3rd movie heh

Lil0ckie's avatar

congrats on almost 1k!! SLAYYYY

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