Bioware-Cosplay's avatar


Because Bioware is awesome!
Years Ago
436 Members483 Watchers

Comments 56

anonymous's avatar
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Euderion's avatar
Anyone home?
After a month of wait all submissions expires.
RyunoOhi's avatar
Is there a dedicated DeviantArt group for tutorials & advice, for things like armor, weapons, & other props?  I'm in need of some connections to the proper Pepakura files & techniques to do a FemShep armor build that isn't the standard N7 armor.
Geemiitah's avatar
Thanks for accepting! :)
bobsideways's avatar
Sorry for the submission spam; deviantart crashed after doing the mass submit thing and kept saying nothing had been submitted, then said it was submitted 3 times each.  DX
MaddyField's avatar
Only 2 weeks left for my small Mass Effect contest.
Check it out, lots of free art work to be given away and points also.
*Also, I will extend the deadline if a few more people want to join.…
tatjna's avatar
Is this group still alive? I'm watching and made a submission ages ago, but nothing's come through from here at all since I joined.
RebelATS's avatar
Sorry about that. Had a personal thing come up in November that pretty much left me away from the computer for awhile. Accepting submissions again!