The Little Raccoon - Page 9bingles on DeviantArt

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The Little Raccoon - Page 9



"The whole tree lit up! It really was brighter than the stars!
"Wow, Grandpa!" Said Little Racoon as he stared at the tree in amazement.
Grandpa smiled as he looked at the wonder and joy on his grandson's face "See little one? You really did find an amazing treasure today.""

The End

Written by :icongjwolf:
Story and art by me,
Ink on cardstock
Ink on cardstock

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3300x2550px 1.16 MB
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GJWolf's avatar
SOOOOO, I don't know if anyone else has already done so, but I got so inspired by this, that I wrote the pages for this XD I got text, actions and dialogue for all of the pages. If you want, I can send them to you and you can see what you think! Your artwork in these just really inspired me to write the full story down. I should be working on my genetics paper, but this was way more fun XD