ARC Trooper JesseBIMSEL18 on DeviantArt

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ARC Trooper Jesse

Location  Mandalore


CT-5597, Or Jesse as he's more widely known, was a corporal-turned ARC Trooper serving with the highly storied 501st Legion of the Republic. He was recognisable by the large Republic insignia painted on his helmet as a trademark of his armour, and would accompany his brothers through some of the fiercest conflicts of the Clone Wars, including Saleucami, Umbara, Ringo Vinda, and Mandalore. On one occasion, he would even accompany Clone Force 99 on their mission to Anaxes, where the previously MIA trooper known as Echo would be located and rescued from Separatist captivity on the planet. He wore the standard set of phase two ARC trooper equipment, including a two-sided pauldron, a backpack, extra DC-17 magazines, a kama, as well as additional armour plating. Prior to being transferred to the 332nd Company, he as well as the clone garrison stationed on the Venator class star destroyer transporting Jedi Commander Ahsoka Tano would receive the call for Order 66, promptly locking down the entire vessel and gathering in the hangar bay to neutralise their target. After Commander Rex failed to make a proposal to the troopers to keep Ahsoka alive, the two newly-classified traitors of the Republic would escape on a Y-Wing bomber as the destroyer subsequently slammed into the surface of a nearby moon, instantly killing every crew member aboard, including Jesse. The helmets of each trooper who died in the crash would later be displayed outside the crash site as a show of respect to the fallen troopers. 
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