BigCatArt's avatar


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anonymous's avatar
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DaggerAdopts's avatar
Oof! I accidentally submitted something to the wrong folder and now DA won't let me take the image out of the group so I can fix it. So there's a lioness adoptable in the Tiger folder that shouldn't be there... If you feel like removing it for me, I'd be grateful! <3
wolfshae's avatar
i am wanting to get a drawing tablet, i would like to try to draw like you guys haha what would be a good one to start with that is not really cheap nor that sooo expensive?
SilverTabbyStudios's avatar
a great one that I still use today is a Wacom bamboo create, I have had this tablet for 7 years now its great to use I would highly recommend it ! it may be expensive but its worth it :) heres the link ---->…
wolfshae's avatar
toodamnfancy's avatar
BeeStar Hey i'm not sure if you remember this, but i designed the group icon a few years ago (i was using another account) and thought perhaps it's time for a bit of a change? i'd be happy to make a new one for the group if you fancy that idea?

sorry if it's not my place to talk about that sort of thing because it isn't my group but i thought i should offer anyway :)
BeeStarART's avatar
yeah we could do with a new one if you wanted :) that would be great!
SunKissedDancer's avatar
Hey, not sure if there's any rules on advertising, but Im a hobby artist who's been on dA quite a while and haven't been getting far :')
I draw warriors fan art, lion king fan art, and various other cat/animal cartoon art. So please com visit my page if you're interested.

I also take trades and requests so don't be afraid to ask :) (Smile) Thank you for reading x