what's up

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bhawank's avatar
halloooo heloooooo!! :D :dance::party:

how things are going nowadays peoples?! it's been a while from the last journal... :)
things are changing so fast nowadays ha? are you still updating ur page here on dA everyone? or u moved ur gallery to fb :lol: (like i did :rofl:)

so how's life? mine? this year is definitely better than last year, new friends, new job, new partner, new environment, new challenges and it what's makes life more interesting isn't it?

i found some of my friends/inspirator who find their way up and it feels great to see them make their way to the top didn't they? :)

so nevertheless i just bring up this journal to make a special thanks for my 1st DD whic is bhawank.deviantart.com/art/eve… , yeah it was given rite at the new years eve (31/12/09) and it was like 4 months ago, i was intends to write this to give thanks especially to NyssaDuck for her suggestion and feature but i always forget to write it on journal. and even though it was featured quite some times ago. there are some friends that generously features it on their news and features until yesterday so.... i make this journal especially for them.... you should stop by and see their galleries and features coz them are greats! :)

so thank u very much for these following people for their features and all of you who click on 'add to favorites' button and spend time commenting on it!



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