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Bewmkin on DeviantArt
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So yeah, this piece strays away from my traditional style, so I figured it was better off separate. >.>
Yasu is a druidess, a savagekin to be more precise. And like most savagekin, they choose to be one with nature. When Yasu ventured out of her homeland due to raging war, she had no choice but to adapt to civilization, and that meant relearning mundane customs such as wearing clothing. This is her making coverage from leather scraps and old belts in secrecy in attempt to fit in with society.
Yasu is a druidess, a savagekin to be more precise. And like most savagekin, they choose to be one with nature. When Yasu ventured out of her homeland due to raging war, she had no choice but to adapt to civilization, and that meant relearning mundane customs such as wearing clothing. This is her making coverage from leather scraps and old belts in secrecy in attempt to fit in with society.
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1920x2025px 132.09 KB
© 2011 - 2025 Bewmkin
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Sites with AI trained off their own data ending the whole 'art theft' cry.
Nine generative AI companies have already received Fairly Trained certifications: