The Dark Knight Rises BaneBender18 on DeviantArt

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Bender18's avatar

The Dark Knight Rises Bane



Hello there.
Since The newest Batman movie is almost upon us I decided to draw My Version of Movie Bane- this is how I would like Bane to look like in a Movie.
In the last of Nolans Batman trilogy, main villain(probably) will be My Favorite DC character Bane.
Hehe anyone knows the name of this teddy bear ?

I pressume many people (most probably quite young ones) know Bane as a skinny idiot who gets really bulky/strong when using Venom formula,from games and cartoons.
I am happy that Tom Hardy will portray Bane which is more true to the actual iconic character from the comics.

I hope that after this movie people will read the "Vengance of Bane" storylines and see that Bane in comics is something much much more than a common thug that is only memorable for using venom/steroid formula.

Hope you gonna,like it.

Comments are much aprieciated:D
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HuntraG94's avatar
why's he got a Teddy Bear?