BeMeFullMoon's avatar


Be My Full Moon: Lolita Garb
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Artist // Professional // Artisan Crafts
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (22)
My Bio

Deviation Photo taken by Rensu

My Etsy is here:

My name is Amber and I am an Gothic Lolita, Steampunk, and Costuming seamstress!
Customs are open until September 10th! After that I'm preparing for my first child, due at the end of September! I will re-open for commissions some time in January/February. Clothing and accessories!

All prices include shipping within the USA. Shipping outside the US is extra, and amount is dependent on country. This does not include specially printed items (items using fabric from spoonflower).

Bows Start at $8
Bonnets start at $15
Headdresses start at $12
Bloomers start at $20
Totes start at $15
Skirts start at $25
JSKs start at $60
Short sleeve OPs start at $80
Long sleeve OPs start at $90

Buy a three item set of matching pieces and get $15 off your total purchase

Buy three or more items of different prints and get $10 off your total purchase for every three items you buy.

All skirts come with one two-way bow (it will have a pin and clip on the back).

All dresses come with one clip-on bow and one pin-on bow, or one headdress/bonnet, or one set of bloomers.

D20 pricing
Tote bags - $20
Bows - $15
JSKs - $120
short sleeve OPs - $140
Long sleeve OPs - $160
Skirts - $50

If you have livejournal please pop over there and say hello okay? My name there is Aourai. Also, I'm now on Blogspot! Come see me and watch the progression of all my creations! My name there is BeMyFull Moon! and you can follow me on twitter, just search for aourai!

You can contact me at my business e-mail, and if you see something you like that doesn't say sold, I can sell it to ya! Otherwise catch me at a convention or contact me for custom headdresses or headbands! I'll be working extra hard to bring skirts, cutsews, Jumpers, Dresses, and other accessories as the months progress!

If you know of a great convention you want to see me at, please, drop me a line okay?

A big super thanks to my friend Amanda for taking all these wonderful pictures of my work! She's 1/2 of Be My Full Moon and I couldn't have done any of this without her!

Current Residence: Chicago, IL
deviantWEAR sizing preference: Adorable?
Favourite genre of music: J-pop
Favourite photographer: Amanda Bates
Favourite style of art: Shoujo
MP3 player of choice: Zune
Favourite cartoon character: Chowder
Personal Quote: "Die in a fire!"

Favourite Visual Artist
Chad Carlson
Favourite Movies
The Neverending Story
Favourite TV Shows
Bones, 30 Rock
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Anna Tsuchiya
Favourite Books
The Neverending Story
Favourite Writers
Lola Batling, Mick Foley
Favourite Games
Eternal Sonata
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Sewing machine!
Other Interests
Lolita, anime, manga, cute things, sweet things, writing

Regained Entry!

0 min read
I was finally able to regain access to my account!  If you contacted me, please try again now that I have access!
anonymous's avatar
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Because of baby-related things (Growth, Gestational Diabetes appointments for non-stress tests, soon-to-be weekly OB appointments, etc) I will not be staying open for commissions through September like I said.  I'm sorry if you had been setting aside money or fabric shopping for a commission from me!  As I approach the birth of my baby girl I have to go to the doctor more and more, and we still have a lot of preparing to do here in our home to make sure its safe and ready for our new addition.   If you can wait, watch my page for what little sewing I can do, and keep your eyes open for the grand re-opening of my commissions. 
anonymous's avatar
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Silence break?

0 min read
Just wanted to apologize for so much silence lately.  I've been making baby clothes and communicating on a few commissions, along with house shopping (both buy and rent because we're still unsure which we'll be doing) and recovering from ACen.  I regret to say I've cancelled Anime Midwest.  I was looking forward to it but with GoDaikocon in August and a baby on the way, it didn't feel right going to Chicago again in July.  I thought it would be better for me and my baby to stay home and deal with moving and GoDaiko prep and commissions.This means I'm open for commissions though!  Contact me if you had anything in mind okay?
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Profile Comments 104

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darkmisry's avatar
You're dresses are beautiful!! I don't personally wear them but the designs & patterns are so cute, I'm so tempted!! It's also nice to see that you're a plus size, & making wonderful clothing for the rest of us. :3 I was wondering do you have the sewing pattern for the Nyan Cat dress? I'm trying to make one for my daughter & she really likes the puffy sleeves. lol 

Note me when you can.
BeMeFullMoon's avatar
I just drafted the pattern to fit the girl who ordered it, but you can probably take any typical dress pattern and alter it!
darkmisry's avatar
I bought a pattern online & made something similar to yours. I gave you inspiracional credit. :3
BeMeFullMoon's avatar
Oooh that was very nice!  Which item did I inspire to to take up the scissors and try out?
StubbornCupcake's avatar
Hi! I've been across the hall from you twice at Go!DaikoCon and happen to find you by accident while browsing a lolitia club today. :3

Just wanted to say hello, and that you encouraging me to sew (plus giving me sewing machine advice) really helped me discover the wonderful world of fashion from a new perspective. Thanks so much!
BeMeFullMoon's avatar
Sorry for the super late reply!  (I have a baby now so its hard to get to some things!)

I'm so glad I could help you find your inner seamstress!  Just don't take too much business form me!  ;)
Hi, I adore you and your suits, but would I want to ask you a thing, how much does the suit of the nyan-cat come?I adore it :3