Favourite Movies
Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, Hachi: A Dog's Tale, Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
Favourite TV Shows
Once Upon A Time, Merlin, The Simpsons
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
The Script, Owl City, John Butler Trio, Train
Favourite Books
Shiver Trilogy, The Hunger Games, Mortal Instruments, Vampire Academy series, Matched series, The Host, Vampire Kisses series, Uglies series, The House of Night series, Switched series and the Dark Heart series
Favourite Games
The Legend of Zelda series, Paper Mario, Heavy Rain, Just Dance, Okami, Pokemon, Slenderman, Amnesia
Favourite Gaming Platform
Nintendo 64, Wii, PC, Xbox 360, Nintendo DS, GameCube
Other Interests
Books, science, music and animals. <3