Favourite Visual Artist
Banski, Yuumei, Luis Royo, Arturo Rivera, Rahll, Alex Pardee
Favourite Movies
End of Evangelion, Pan's Labyrinth, Beasts of the southern wild, Watchmen, Spirited Away
Favourite TV Shows
Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead, Community, Shingeki no Kyoujin
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Cauterize, BFMV, Smile Empty Soul, Social Code, Crossfade..., and the list goes on forever
Favourite Books
World War Z
Favourite Writers
Mario Benedetti, Lovecraft, Stephen King
Favourite Games
Resident Evil series, Baten Kaitos, SSB Brawl, Halo Reach, Pokemon, The Force Unleashed
Favourite Gaming Platform
Wii & 360
Tools of the Trade
Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Flash, Maya, Camera, Pencil, Ink, Spraycan
Other Interests
Movies, Anime, Drawing, Photography, Painting, Graffiti, Poetry,...