Big Hero 6: Hiro Hamadabehindinfinity on DeviantArt

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Big Hero 6: Hiro Hamada



Big Hero 6: Little Genius by behindinfinity

After watching and coming to love the Big Hero 6 movie, I finally got my Hiro cosplay together! :D Ever since the first trailers for BH6 came out, I had been told a lot that I resemble Hiro, but I wanted to see the movie first to know if I'd want to do the cosplay. And I loved it!! Beautiful animation, lovable characters, engaging storytelling; but the most poignant factor for me was the bond between Hiro and Tadashi.

I shared parts of my progress for this cosplay on my Facebook page: 
 hand-painting the shirt / wig and tooth gap / a short video

:bulletblue: More pictures on my Tumblr photo set —…

I waited until after watching BH6 to really put everything together so that I could be motivated by the feelings that the movie gave me. Hiro is relatively simple in design, but I poured in a lot of love and effort into details like the shirt which I handpainted, styling the wig to look like what I saw in the movie, and using makeup to emphasize my features and look more like Hiro. Can't wait for my friends to join me for this cosplay!

There are also pieces of so many fandoms in this photo, hahah! What can you identify? :)

Hiro Hamada cosplay by :iconbehindinfinity: me
:camera: photo by Reskiy 

:facebook: Jin.behindinfinity | ★ Tumblr | :twitter: skybluedays
Image size
1200x900px 875.62 KB
Shutter Speed
1/80 second
Focal Length
12 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Nov 13, 2014, 2:27:36 PM
Sensor Size
© 2014 - 2025 behindinfinity
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david bazooka is better than this yeezy ass shit