I haven't slept in four days... by BeforeAfter, literature
I haven't slept in four days...
From the prompts; "I haven't slept in 4 days.." "I'm fine..." "It's just your imagination" and "Don't touch me."Nike walked into Sasha’s room. There Sasha sat straight up, upon her bed. Her hair was a mess,shirt halfway off her shoulders, and her eyes were heavily bloodshot. As Nike got closer she noticed the girl in front of her had dark bags under her eyes. “Sasha..?” Nike cautioned. She’d seen Sasha in a similar state before but never this bad. Slowly, Sasha blinked her eyes and turned her head in the direction of Nike’s voice. “Oh! Hi..Nike..uh..w-what’s up?” Sasha seemed out of sorts and definitely not usual cheery self. “Sasha, what’...
hey watts up. im back after like 7 years of never going on deviantart. i still draw but not as much as i used to. college student in new york, has 3 cats. ID picture originally drawn by atapi for thatsoddish(me)
HEY WASSUP. it's been literally 7 years since i've been on this account. lemme tell u i have a shit ton of new (hopefully better) ocs that i'll probably upload later on. thanks for still following me after so long. OH AND i have a tumblr @ www.el-matador-del-mar.tumblr.com feel free to check it out :3c
Hello! Excuse my tardiness to respond to your generous act of adding me to your watch list! I can't be more greateful. Just dropping by a little thanks and hope you have a good one!