bebuz's avatar


46 Watchers98 Deviations
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Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (143)
My Bio

Current Residence: Italy
Favourite genre of music: rock, pop, jazz
Favourite photographer: Cartier Bresson

Favourite Visual Artist
Salvador Dalì
Favourite Movies
Into The Wild
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Bjork, Radiohead
Favourite Books
Favourite Writers
Stefano Benni
Favourite Games
Final Fantasy VIII
Tools of the Trade
pencil, charcoal, reflex
Other Interests
music, drawing, photography, biology

2000 pageviews

0 min read
I've just passed the 2000 pageviews and I'm so happy with that! it's a huge goal for me! :w00t: In order to celebrate this "event" I've submitted my new deviation (Jhonny Depp's portrait) and I'm going to submit other one I've been working on and first of all I'm going to practise some more with drawing!:D so, new deviation to come and a big "thanks" to everyone for supporting me!:glomp:have a nice week!:aww:------------------------------------- :iconpiemonte: :iconportraitpencilart: :iconjohnny-depp-lovers:
anonymous's avatar
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Oggi mi è arrivata questa mail:Ciao!Vi chiedo un favore, ma ci vuole solo un minuto.Dite a 10 amici di dirlo ad altri 10!Il sito on-line della ricerca contro il cancro al seno è in difficoltà perchè non ci sono abbastanza persone che accedono al sito ogni giorno per raggiungere un numero di accessi che permetta loro di ottenere, dagli sponsor,una donazione per almeno una mammografia gratis per donne che non se la possono permettere.Ci vuole meno di un minuto per andare sul sito e cliccare sul bottone 'donating a mammogram' ( 'Click here to give, it's free')SENZA NESSUNA SPESA.(E' il bottone rosa nel mezzo della pagina)Non vi costa nulla. G...
anonymous's avatar
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0 min read
Today I joined a fantastic new community! :) Come to visit the Piemonte community!! ;) :iconpiemonte:
anonymous's avatar
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Profile Comments 1.4K

anonymous's avatar
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The--Silver's avatar
Buon Compleanno! ^^
Mr-Weatherman88's avatar
Thank you so much for faving my work! I really appreciate it! Thank You Hearts Sign Meow-thank You 
hellnicki's avatar
Risandell's avatar
Thanks for the fav :)
bebuz's avatar
you're welcome!! =)
KirstenAndHerCamera's avatar
thankyou for favouriting some of my work! :)
bebuz's avatar
you're welcome Kirsten!! =)